Hello, bookworms!
S-a dus inca o luna, nu? Daaar e motiv de sarbatoare, pentru ca mai e putin pana la vacanta de Craciun si azi e Halloween-ul. Azi e ultima zi in care va mai puteti inscrie la concursul activ pentru care am pus linkul la sfarsitul postarii! :)
A doua postare in cadrul acestei rubrici, dar banuiesc ca deja stiti ce se face. Eu va prezint ce carti am citit plus ce carti am de gand sa citesc luna urmatoare.
Prima carte recenzata in luna octombrie este "Blink Once" de Cylin Busby.
Mi-a placut foarte mult povestea ei deosebita. Daca doriti sa aflati despre ce e vorba, click aici pentru a citi recenzia in romana si in engleza.
De data asta o carte in romana si cea de-a saptea din seria ( mea preferata ) Vampirii Sudului scrisa de Charlaine Harris, "Morti cu totii", am citit-o si am postat recenzia pe 7 octombrie.:) Recenzia o puteti citi aici.
Nici a saptea carte nu s-a lasat mai prejos. Am iubit-o.
Inca o carte in romana pe care am castigat-o pe unul din blogurile romanesti este Eve 2: Sacrificiul.
Cartea asta a fost o continuarea perfecta a primei carti si ma bucur ca am castigat-o. Prima carte nu a fost cine stie ce, insa Sacrificiul a ridicat-o pe Anna Carey, in ochii mei, la un alt nivel.
Recenzia in romana aici
Urmatoarea carte a fost "The Repossession".
Am primit-o direct de la autor si pot sa spun ca mi-a placut enorm. Cele 500 de pagini alea cartii m-au tinut intr-un suspans continuu si nu am putut sa ma opresc din citit.
Superba si coperta, precum si intregul aspect albastru.^.^
Recenzia in romana si engleza o puteti citi aici.
Una din cartile pe care chiar vroiam sa le citesc luna asta am reusit sa o citesc si a fost incredibila. Am citit-o in 3 zile si nu am regretat nici o clipa ca am inceput-o. "Into the Deep" de Lauryn April a fost superba si pur si simplu m-a captivat total. Chiar mi-as dori sa am ocazia sa citesc si volumul 2, daca va exista vreunul.
Recenzia in romana si engleza o gasiti aici.
Una din dezamagirile vietii mele a fost cartea Frenezia de Francesca Lia Block.
Am citit-o foarte repede, asta pentru ca era usor de citit si subtire, insa cartea nu merita.
Pot sa spun cu mana pe inima ca a fost oribila si nu m-as fi asteptat la asa ceva de la o autoare despre care am auzit multe.
Puteti citi recenzia in romana, unde aflati intreaga mea parere + argumente aici.
Dupa esecul total al cartii Frenezia, era bine-venita o carte mai buna.
"Promises" de Amber Garr a fost o carte frumoasa, insa una care totusi nu m-a impresionat.
Ce-i drept, nu am mai citit nici o carte cu sirene si foci si razboaie cu sirene si foci sau chiar mariaje, insa a fost o carte destul de buna si mi-a facut placere sa o citesc.
Recenzia, in romana si in engleza, o gasiti aici.
Acum, cea de-a doua parte a acestei postari - cartile pe care vreau sa le citesc in luna noiembrie.
Am avut 4 cartii pe lista mea de to-be-read.
Insa nu m-am tinut de promisiune ( scuzee ) si am citit doar 2 de pe lista.
De ce? A fost instinctul. Si pur si simplu nu am avut chef de cartile respective! :))
Acum o sa repun pe lista cartea " Mai rau decat moartea ", volumul 8 din seria Vampirii Sudului.
Sper sa reusesc sa o citesc.
creaturilor supranaturale din Bon Temps, Louisiana, isi revine de pe
urma celor doua dezastre: uraganul Katrina si macelul provocat de bomba
detonata la reuniunea vampirilor. Sookie Stackhouse este intreaga, dar
inca in stare de soc. Prea multi vampiri fusesera ucisi sau raniti, iar
iubitul ei, varcolacul Quinn, se numara printre disparuti. Intre vampiri
si varcolaci tot nu e pace, mai sar scantei si se produc crime. Iar
Sookie, prietena a haitei si legata prin sange de Eric Northman, liderul
comunitatii locale a vampirilor, este prinsa in vartejul acestor
conflicte. Va infrunta din nou pericole, chiar moartea... si, inca o
data, tradarea fiintei iubite. Iar cand totul se va termina, viata ei va
fi schimbata pentru totdeauna...
Sa savuram deci inca o cupa din cocktailul de fantezie, senzualitate si suspans oferit de Charlaine Harris!
Sa savuram deci inca o cupa din cocktailul de fantezie, senzualitate si suspans oferit de Charlaine Harris!
Urmatoarea carte pe care vreau sa o citesc este UnEarthed de Rebecca Bloomer.
Cartea asta are 150 de pagini, deeci nu prea cred ca o sa-mi ia mai mult de 2 zile. Sper.
If you're going to colonise a planet, you'd better be willing to fight for it.
Within Anphobos, there grows a new race. The first generation of humans never to set foot on Earth. They are pale skinned, large eyed and worship no god but science. They possess technological skills and processes Earth has refused to acknowledge. Until now...
"We are Martian. Your religion isn't ours. Our god is Mars. Our religion is science. Anything we do in the service of Mars, is good. Make no mistake, Earth girl, we are both right and good."
Fresh off Earth, Jodi Scarfield doesn't really care for Mars or its politics. Still, accusations of treason will get a girl's attention...
Within Anphobos, there grows a new race. The first generation of humans never to set foot on Earth. They are pale skinned, large eyed and worship no god but science. They possess technological skills and processes Earth has refused to acknowledge. Until now...
"We are Martian. Your religion isn't ours. Our god is Mars. Our religion is science. Anything we do in the service of Mars, is good. Make no mistake, Earth girl, we are both right and good."
Fresh off Earth, Jodi Scarfield doesn't really care for Mars or its politics. Still, accusations of treason will get a girl's attention...
O alta carte de care trebuie neaparat sa ma apuc, pentru ca deja am intarziat prea mult cu recenzia...
"The Perfume Garden".
The Perfume Garden combines the gripping storytelling of Kate Morton with the evocative settings of Victoria Hislop to tell this sumptuous story of lost love and family secrets set between modern day Valencia and the Spanish Civil War. High in the hills of Valencia, a forgotten house guards its secrets. Untouched since Franco's forces tore through Spain in 1936, the whitewashed walls have crumbled, the garden, laden with orange blossom, grown wild. Emma Temple is the first to unlock its doors in seventy years. Guided by a series of letters and a key bequeathed in her mother's will, she has left her job as London's leading perfumier to restore this dilapidated villa to its former glory. It is the perfect retreat: a wilderness redolent with strange and exotic scents, heavy with the colours and sounds of a foreign time. But for her grandmother, Freya, a British nurse who stayed here during Spain's devastating civil war, Emma's new home evokes terrible memories. As the house begins to give up its secrets, Emma is drawn deeper into Freya's story: one of crushed idealism, lost love, and families ripped apart by war. She soon realises it is one thing letting go of the past, but another when it won't let go of you.
O alta carte de care trebuie neaparat sa ma apuc, pentru ca deja am intarziat prea mult cu recenzia...
"The Perfume Garden".
The Perfume Garden combines the gripping storytelling of Kate Morton with the evocative settings of Victoria Hislop to tell this sumptuous story of lost love and family secrets set between modern day Valencia and the Spanish Civil War. High in the hills of Valencia, a forgotten house guards its secrets. Untouched since Franco's forces tore through Spain in 1936, the whitewashed walls have crumbled, the garden, laden with orange blossom, grown wild. Emma Temple is the first to unlock its doors in seventy years. Guided by a series of letters and a key bequeathed in her mother's will, she has left her job as London's leading perfumier to restore this dilapidated villa to its former glory. It is the perfect retreat: a wilderness redolent with strange and exotic scents, heavy with the colours and sounds of a foreign time. But for her grandmother, Freya, a British nurse who stayed here during Spain's devastating civil war, Emma's new home evokes terrible memories. As the house begins to give up its secrets, Emma is drawn deeper into Freya's story: one of crushed idealism, lost love, and families ripped apart by war. She soon realises it is one thing letting go of the past, but another when it won't let go of you.
Ok, si ultima carte, volumul doi al cartii "The Repossession"...
Genie and Rian thought they'd beaten The Fortress and stopped the dreadful experiments. But now someone even more ruthless has taken over, and wants to investigate why the experiments didn't kill Genie Magee. She is Fortress property, he claims - along with the other survivors.
Now there's $10,000 reward on their heads, armed roadblocks on the highway, and the dreaded threat of 'Mosquito' that can shut down their brainwaves by using their genetic information against them. There's only one possible escape from the bounty hunters with shotguns, and that's down the wild unforgiving river to a bleak future forever on the run.
Or they must turn and face The Fortress, find out its secrets, and use them against it. Seize their lives back, and fight for their very right to exist!
Ok, si ultima carte, volumul doi al cartii "The Repossession"...
Genie and Rian thought they'd beaten The Fortress and stopped the dreadful experiments. But now someone even more ruthless has taken over, and wants to investigate why the experiments didn't kill Genie Magee. She is Fortress property, he claims - along with the other survivors.
Now there's $10,000 reward on their heads, armed roadblocks on the highway, and the dreaded threat of 'Mosquito' that can shut down their brainwaves by using their genetic information against them. There's only one possible escape from the bounty hunters with shotguns, and that's down the wild unforgiving river to a bleak future forever on the run.
Or they must turn and face The Fortress, find out its secrets, and use them against it. Seize their lives back, and fight for their very right to exist!
Sii trebuie sa continui cartea "Survival"
(pe care o citesc pe e-book).
Asta-i tot ^.^
Multumesc pentru ca ati citit postarea!
Nu uitati de concursul actiiiiv pe care il gasiti aici.
Ne vedem maineee! >:)
Bafta la citit:X