marți, 2 octombrie 2012

Recenzie " Blink Once "

Heiii! :*
V-am spus eu ca vin cu recenzia, curand, asa-i?
Blink Once - oh, Gosh
*nu am dat spoilereee, cititi linistiti! :P



Cartea asta a fost incredibila! 
Paralizat, West poate doar sa observe. Poate sa observe frumusetea Oliviei si sa spere ca intr-o zi, isi va revenii. Doar ca incepe sa aiba cosmaruri in care vede fetite plangand si barbati cu fata arsa. West nu stie ce se va intampla cu el si singurul lucru care il alina este Olivia. Aceasta sta mereu cu el, vorbeste si ii spune ca se va reface. Insa cu cat devin mai apropiati, West se inteaba - cine este aceasta fata si de ce se afla aici, in ciuda faptului ca pare sanatoasa?
Nu puteti afla asta decat citind cartea.

Nota mea: 5/5

Parerea mea

Nu pot sa cred cat de frumoasa a fost cartea asta! Am citit-o pe nerasuflate si nu pot sa cred ca s-a terminat atat de repede! Cartea asta are o groaza de suspans si pur si simplu te lasa cu gura cascata - faptul ca nu stii niciodata ce se va intampla, daca West se va face bine, sau daca pur si simplu Olivia il va saruta! Pe mine m-a torturat faptul ca West nu putea vorbi deloc, insa asta a creeat o legatura aparte intre cei 2: ei comunicau destul de usor, iar in majoritatea cazurilor, Olivia stia la ce se gandeste West. Cel mai mult ma enerva asistenta rea. Ea credea mereu ca West era o leguma si ca nu putea sa auda nimic - defapt cam toti credeau asta. Iar sfarsitul...a fost superb. West a fost foarte curajos si a luptat pentru a o recupera pe Olivia. Si da, va recomand aceasta minunata carte.


I received this book free fom Cylin, in exchange of a honest review. 
Thank you, Cylin!! <3


This book was amazing!
Paralyzed, West can only notice. He can notice Olivia's beauty and hope that, one day, he will be healed. But he starts to have nightmares where he sees a girl crying and man with burned face. West doesn't know what will happen to him and the only thing that relieves him is Olivia. She always stands with him, talks with him and tells him that he is going to be OK. But as they become closer, West wonders - who is this girl and why is she here, despite being apparently healthy?
 You can find out just reading.

My mark: 5/5

My opinion

I can't believe how awesome this book was! I read it in one breath and I can't also believe that it's over! This book has a lot of suspense and it simply blows your mind - the fact that you never know what will happen, if West is going to heal, or just if Olivia will kiss him! West couldn't speak at all, but this created a special connection between them: they were communicating easyly and Olivia always knew what West wanted to say. What bothered me the most was that the " bitchy " nurse thought that West was a vegetable. Actually, almost everyone thought this. And the was awesome. West was very brave and he fought for his Olivia
And yes, I recommend you this book.

7 comentarii:

  1. intr-adevar cartea aceasta a fost geniala <3.felicitari pentru recenzie :)

  2. Imi place mult recenzia <3 Mi-as dori sa o citesc si eu, dar nu sunt chiar extraordinara la engleza :3

  3. Draguta recenzia, Sabry<3. Eu inca astept sa-mi ajunga cartea, Sper sa am o parere la fel de buna ca si tine, dupa ce o citesc.

  4. Super recenzie ultimim foarte mult felicitari pentru carte:)


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