Buna! :)
E duminica seara, asta inseamna ca mine avem scoala.
Totusi, ar fi bine sa va inveselesc cu o recenzie la o cartea foarte draguta.<3
Enjoy ^.^
E duminica seara, asta inseamna ca mine avem scoala.
Totusi, ar fi bine sa va inveselesc cu o recenzie la o cartea foarte draguta.<3
Enjoy ^.^
Eviana Dumahl este o sirena ce e indragostita de Brendan - baiatul ce se poate transforma intr-o foca. Din pacate, parintii ei i-au pregatit alt viitor - Eviana trebuie sa se marite cu Kain Matthew, pentru a ajunge lidera celor doua clanuri. Insa Eviana nu vrea decat sa-si traiasca restul vietii cu Brandan, asa ca fuge departe de casa. Cand Eviana si Brendan inotau in lac, au fost atacati de alte "foci" ce i-au ranit si i-au furat pielea lui Brendan. Acum, Brendan este pe cale de a muri, iar Eviana trebuie sa descopere cine si unde sunt talharii, pentru a recupera pielea inainte ca iubirea vietii ei sa piara.
Nota mea: 4,5/5
Parerea mea
Cartea asta a fost frumoasa. Nu pot sa zic ca m-a impresionat, dar nici ca nu mi-a placut. Mi-a luat o vreme sa citesc, pentru ca la inceput povestea nu prea ma captiva, insa sfarsitul a fost superb (si enervaaant)! Dialogul
nu a fost foarte des intalnit, ci mai multa descriere. Mi-a placut stilul lui Amber Garr si mi-ar placea sa citesc si restul seriei. La sfarsitul cartii au fost incluse cateva pagini de la inceputul celei de-a doua carte Betrayal si am ramas uimita. Tare as vrea sa vad daca se va infiripa ceva intre Eviana si Kain, daca va exista vreun razboi intre specii si cum va evolua Eviana, ca lider. Povestea a fost scrisa din perspectiva protagonistei noastre foarte bine. Toate sentimentele pe care le-am avut Eviana le-am simtit si eu, in timp ce citeam, iar asta imi place la o carte. Ii dau 4,5 stele din 5 pentru ca totusi inceputul nu a fost extraordinar si mi-ar fi placut daca ar fi aparut mai ales sora nesuferita a Evianei.
I received this book free from Amber, in exchange of a honest review. Thank you, Amber!
Eviana Dumahl is a mermaid who is fell in love with Brendan - a boy who can change into a seal. Unfortunately, her parents prepared her for a different future - Eviana has to marry Kain Matthew to be the next leader of their clans. But Eviana want to escape and live the rest of her life with Brendan, so they run away far from home. When both swim in a lake, they are attacked by other shapeshifting seals who hurt them and steal Brendan's seal skin. Now, Brendan is going to die and Eviana has to discover who and where are the bandits, to recover the skin before the love of her life dies.
My mark: 4,5/5
My opinion
This book was beautiful. I can't say that it impressed me, but I liked it. It took me a while to read it because, at the start, the story wasn't very captivating; but the end was awesome (and annoying)! The dialogue wasn't very frequently used, but more description. I liked Amber Garr's style and I would love to read the entire trilogy. I've read a few pages of Betrayal and I was stunned. I really want to know if Eviana and Kain will get back toghether, if there will be a war between the species and how will Eviana progress, as a leader. The story was written from the perspective of our protagonist really well! All the feelings that Eviana has I felt too and that's what I liked about the book! I'll give this book 4,5 stars out of 5 because the beginning wasn't extraordinary, though.
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