joi, 18 octombrie 2012

Review: Into the Deep by Lauryn April

Hello, guys! :)
Stiu ca v-am batut la cap non-stop despre cat de incantata sunt de cartea asta si ca abia astepta sa o citesc!
Ei bine, asta e al doilea obiectiv de pe lista mea pentru luna asta pe care l-am indeplinit.

Deci am citit cartea asta in fix 3 zile si pot sa spun sa m-am indragostit.
Mi-a fost foarte greu sa nu dau nici un spoiler, insa am reusit.
Deci puteti sa cititi linistiti.:)
Enjoy! ^.^



Dupa ce Ivy aluneca de pe marginea piscinei si se loveste cu capul de scara ei, aceasta ramane cu abilitatea de a citi gandurile oamenilor. Ii ia ceva timp sa-si dea seama ca defapt citeste ganduri si ca nu e nebuna.
Insa abilitatea poate salva intreaga scoala. Sau nu.
Un student de la liceu vrea sa arunce in aer intreaga scoala, iar Ivy este singura care stie asta. Acum, ca stie cine ce gandeste, realizeaza ca nu poate avea incredere in prietenii ei. Asa ca isi face unii noi.
Brant Everett este printre ciudatii liceului, insa Ivy se imprieteneste cu el si ii impartaseste secretul ce o face sa fie o ciudata. Impreuna, isi intemeiaza propria " gasca ". 
Trebuie sa cititi cartea pentru a afla ce se va intampla in continuare.:)

Nota mea: 5/5

Parerea mea

Ii multumesc foarte mult autoarei pentru ca mi-a trimis aceasta carte! A fost superba si garantat a meritat sa o citesc. Nu m-am putut oprii pana nu am terminat cele 300 de pagini ale cartii, iar acum sunt ceva de genul " ce? chiar s-a terminat?! ". 
Povestea a fost cam grabita, insa autoarea nu a uitat nici un detaliu. Mi-a placut cel mai mult faptul ca Brant semana ENORM de mult cu Derek din Invocarea, de Kelley Armstrong. M-am indragostit de personajul asta. Un alt plus al cartii este faptul ca relatiile dintre personaje sunt bine stabilite si in armonie. 
In concluzie, am iubit cartea asta pana la ultimul cuvintel scris de Lauryn si daca va exista vreodata un al doilea volum, il voi citi. Garantat. Va recomand cartea asta. Daca veti avea ocazia sa o cititi, nu ezitati.


I received this copy for review from the author. Thanks so much, Lauryn!


After Ivy slips in the pool and hits her head on the stairs, she finds herself with the ability to read people's thoughts. It takes some time to realise that she's not crazy.
But her ability can save the school. Or not.
A student from her high school wants to blow up the entire school, but Ivy is the only one who knows that. Now, that she knows what students are thinking, she realize that she can't trust her friends. So she makes new ones.
Brant Everett is a freak, but Ivy befriends him and shares the secret that makes her a freak, too. Toghether, they form their own " gang ".
You have to read the book to find out what will happen next.

My mark: 5/5

My opinion

Thanks so much, Lauryn, for sending me this book! It was awesome and really worth to read it. I couldn't stop until I finished the 300 pages of the book, and now I'm like " what? it's over?! ".
The story was a little rushed, but the author didn't forget any detail. I really liked that fact that Brants resembles with Derek, from The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong, VERY well. I fell in love with this character. Another plus for the book is that the relationships between the characters are very well defined and in constant harmony.
In conclusion, I really loved this book up to the last word written by Lauryn and if there will be a second novel, I'll read it. Guaranteed. I recommend you this book. If you'll have the opportunity to read it, don't hesitate.

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