marți, 29 ianuarie 2013

Recenzie: "...Si la sfarsit a mai ramas cosmarul" de Oliviu Craznic


Povestea incepe cand protagonistul cartii, Arthur de Seragens, este invitat la nunta marchizei Josephine. Alaturi de curajosul si inteligentul lui prieten din copilarie, Raoul de Vincennes acesta se indreapta spre Castelul Ultimelor Turnuri. Insa curand afla nimic nu e ceea ce pare si nu a fost chemat acolo pentru a bea vin si pentru a sarbatori; imediat dupa nunta, oamenii incep sa se imbolnaveasca. Le apar umflaturi mari pe tot corpul si lumea se panicheaza, portile se inchid, iar cosmarul incepe sa se dezlantuie. Intre timp, neamtul cu care Arthur si Vincennes se imprietenisera - Von Walter - moare si apare cateva nopti mai tarziu la usa lui Arhur, implorand sa fie lasat sa intre. Insa nu apare ca un om normal, ci ca un cadavru. Personajele mai au cateva intalniri neplacute cu morti-vii si, in curand, prizonierii din Castelul Ultimelor Turnuri incep sa descopere secretele ce au fost ascunse cu mare grija si sunt nevoiti sa se infrunte cu vampiri, nelapsi, strigoi si demoni, precum si cu alte fiinte cu adevarat infricosatoare. Sfarsitul este unul extrem de surprinzator.

Cartea "...Si la sfarsit a mai ramas cosmarul" este a treia carte horror pe care am citit-o si, desi ma asteptam sa fie destul de dura, recunosc ca m-a zguduit un pic. Mi-a placut faptul ca, slava Domnului, Arthur nu a fost un neinfricat ce a scapat din tot fara nici o zgarietura si si-a salvat iubirea vietii lui. Nu, acesta a aratat semne de slabiciune - confuzie, teama - si chiar mi s-a parut ca ma aseman cu el. Adica, cui nu ii putea fi teama in acel moment?! Poate doar Inchizitorul. De Guy inspira incredere si in acelasi timp teama si a fost unul dintre singurii care au supravietuit pana la sfarsit.

Momentele in care Arthur si ceilalti "tovarasi de suferinta" s-au intalnit cu nelapsi au fost cele mai tensionate. Ceea ce mi-a placut cel mai mult a fost faptul ca aceasta carte nu a fost catusi de putin previzibila. Sfarsitul, cum am mai spus, m-a luat prin surprindere si m-a lasat cu gura cascata. Sunt obisnuita cu carti cu final fericit - urasc finalurile fericite - si ma bucur atunci cand dau de carti deosebite, iesite din comun. Am auzit la multi oameni ca autorii romani sunt subestimati. Nu am auzit pe cineva sa subestimeze un autor roman. Si nici nu as intelege cum s-ar putea face asa ceva. Oliviu Craznic, in opinia mea, este un scriitor foarte talentat.

Sper ca v-am convins ca aceasta carte merita citita. Plina de actiune, suspans si horror, aventura la care protagonistul cartii este una efectiv de neuitat.

Nota mea: 5/5 categoric!

duminică, 27 ianuarie 2013

Olimpiada creatiilor - concurs

In timp ce ma mai pregateam pentru olimpiada la romana, mi-a venit o idee. Ma gandeam sa fac un concurs in care fiecare sa isi poate etala talentul la scris. 

Concursul s-ar desfasura pe etape; un juriu format din cativa membrii sa noteze compunerile si sa aleaga cine trece mai departe. Primul loc ar castiga o carte si, daca sunt mai mult participanti, poate adaug si al doilea premiu. Ar fi chiar dragut, mai ales pentru ca acum e perioada olimpiadelor.


Compunerea sa fie de minim o pagina (fara o limita)
Compunerea sa respecte tema data si sa aiba doua moduri de expunere
O runda sa tina zece zile de la momentul in care tema este data
 Mi se pare destul de simplu si de distractiv. Desigur, nu o sa adaug o tema grea care sa necesite mult timp de gandire; ceva simplu. As dori intai sa stiu daca sunt doritori. Inscrierile tin pana pe 10 februarie si, daca avem 10 participanti, incepem!

sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013

Recenzie: Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii de J. K. Rowling

 Atentie! Recenzia contine spoilere nu numai din ultima carte, ci din toata seria.

S-a terminat. Harry Potter, cea mai emotionanta si captivanta serie de pana acum s-a terminat. Nici macar nu este corect! De ce, de ce trebuia Rowling sa scrie atat de bine, sa ma faca dependenta pentru ca mai apoi sa incheie seria?! Si de ce sa-mi omoare personajele mele preferate, pe Sirius, pe Dumbledore, Moody, Plesneala, Fred, Lupin si Tonks?!

 Sfarsitul a fost unul extrem de emotionant. Am plans si nu m-am mai putut opri la gandul ca nu il voi mai intalni niciodata pe Harry sau pe Plesneala. Sincer acum, doar 7 carti nu sunt indeajuns pentru creierul meu dependent si obsedat care cauta cu disperare ceva bun! Am depasit recordul meu personal de citit si am depasit recordul meu personal la plans cu aceasta serie. Nu am mai plans niciodata la vreo carte, pana acum, cand a murit Sirius, cand a murit Dobby si cand a murit Fred. Si nu este vorba numai despre moarte. Este vorba despre intreaga poveste a lui Harry, una foarte trista si dramatica. A trait intr-o nisa noua ani si, cand a trebuit sa infrunte pericolul, nu a aratat nici umpic de teama. Iar asta m-a impresionat.

Acum, sa ma limitez doar la cartea a 7-a, ultima. Sincer, mai marcanta a fost a 5-a, insa in mod categoric nu voi spune ca aceasta nu mi-a placut. Nu stiu ce naiba cauta Ron acolo, nu era nici prea curajos, nici inteligent si nu dadea dovada nici de o abilitate incredibila de a face vraji. Pe langa ca i-a abandonat pe cei mai buni prieteni ai sai la nevoie si a fost un las. Insa despre Hermione am o parere mult mai buna. Fata a fost curajoasa si extrem de inteligenta. A putut sa scape si din cele mai periculoase situatii si i-a salvat pe Harry si pe Ron de atatea ori! Cat despre Harry, mi se pare ca a evoluat enorm. Ce-i drept, nici el nu dadea dovada cum ca ar avea putin creier, insa in a saptea carte si-a dat seama imediat unde sunt horcruxurile. In fine, imediat cum a avut vreun indiciu.

Nu am inteles un singur lucru. Daca Tom isi dorea atat de mult sa scape de Incuiati si de Sange-Mali, de ce nu a facut-o direct?! Cu un blestem dinala de al lui ar fi omorat orice Incuiat extrem de usor. Plus ca isi lasa Devoratorii sa faca ei partea periculoasa si grea in locul lui si in schimb nu facea decat sa-i omoare cu sange rece. Despre intreaga poveste, nu am nimic de adaugat. Toata povestea a fost extrem de bine gandita si uneori ma intreb daca Rowling a improvizat pe loc sau s-a gandit de la inceput la cum se va termina seria? Adica, de exemplu, cu Hotoaica. A facut, tocmai din Piatra Filozofala, in asa fel incat Harry sa nu o poata deschide cu pielea sau doar s-a nimerit? Si sunt multe, multe alte detalii care, la inceput, ti se pare lipsite de importanta si in cele din urma se dovedesc a fi cruciale.

Bun, si acum sfarsitul. Oh, God. Lupta la Hogwarts. Vorba lui Neville, parca e o Apocalipsa. Atmosfera a fost atat de tensionata, parca simteam ca inca ma aflu acolo, ca sunt la Hogwarts si ma lupt si eu alaturi de studenti. Si, frate, Tom chiar era super-puternic! Adica daca nu era Harry, putea sa arunce efectiv in aer toata Terra! Pacat ca l-au facut o semi-reptila, puteau sa-l faca Chuck Norris si mergea perfect. Ah, si Neville a fost atat de curajos! Mi-a placut faza in care a spus ca Buni a scapat din mainile Devoratorilor. Ha, sa-mi fi vazut fata.

Oricum, faza e ca s-a terminaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat si imi pare atat de raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaau! *I know, I'm a freak*

Si citeam despre felul cum au murit Plesneala si Fred, in interior eram asa:

...iar pe exterior, asa:

Seria asta, categoric, merita 10 stele din 5.
Si, ca pentru final, am gasit un clip chiar tare! Vizionati-l, e amuzant.

joi, 24 ianuarie 2013

Moderator si wtf??

Hei! :)
Sper ca v-am atras atentia cu titlul asta, pentru ca e ceva destul de important.

O cititoare a blogului a primit un mail de la un oarecare Sorin care cica facea un sondaj de opinie - in legatura cu blogul meu -, in calitate de moderator. Sincer, nu stiu cine e, dar serios, nu ii raspundeti.
Si nu, nu zic asta pentru ca nu vreau ca voi sa ziceti ca nu va place blogul. Puteti sa spuneti asta, numai sa nu va apucati sa stati la taclale cu el, pentru ca nu exista nici un alt admin sau moderator al acestui blog inafara mea, a Laurei si a Ramonei si nici nu stiu ce vrea de la viata mea! :))

Vroiam sa fiu sigura ca stiti asta. Categoric voi anunta daca voi avea vreun alt moderator pe aici, desi sunt sigura ca asta nu se va intampla prea curand.

Sii, acum o sa ma intorc la Harry Potter, pentru ca mai am doar 25 de pagini si termin ultimul volum (dar nu o sa o fac inainte sa urmaresc noul episod din 90210 <3). E frustrant. Si nu exagerez, povestea este ataaat de imbarligata! Dar o sa va spun mai multe despre agonia mea cand voi scrie recenzia.

marți, 22 ianuarie 2013

Review: Ordinary Magic by Caitlen Rubino-Bradway


I received this book free from the author in exchange of a honest review. Thank you very much, Caitlen!


At the begining, when Abby found out that she's an "ord", I thought that she will start to cry and everybody will support her. I thought that she'll go at that special school and she will learn history and other uninteresting things and she will have boyfriends, but I was wrong. Abigail Hale is a very brave and powerful girl, and her family treated her like she was theirs, even though she was "nothing". Everybody considered her family worthy of respect and when they found out that Abby doesn't have magical powers, they started to be distant. Even her classmates, even her teacher looked at her with contempt. What they did was bad, but Abby ignored them, therefor she didn't care. And when she arrived at her school in Rothermere, everything seemed normal. But the danger started to appear - the hungry goblins were hunting the ords and two adventurers - Barbarian Mike and Trixie - wanted to kidnap Abby. So when they had the opportunity to kidnap Abby, they did it. But the girl was very brave and I started to admire her for that.

My rating: 5/5

My opinion

The story was very interesting and, even though at the begining it didn't seem quite unique, I really liked it. There were moments when I was kept in suspense and moments when I laughed a lot. My favorites characters were the members of the Hale family. Everyone had something special; but I adored Gil from the very first moment. His jokes were making me smile every time and the fact that he was a writer impressed me. Also, Alexa, her bigger sister, was very nice. Plus, she was serving King Steve, so she was very powerful, smart and always prepared to replace her mother when both Abby and Alexa were far away from home.
Abby is a really nice character; she immediately managed to make some friends and I was really surprised when she offered to work (a lot) in the kitchen, for the entire school year without any complaints. She proved that she was very diligent and she accepted to spend her free time in the kitchen, washing dishes.

Oh, and another thing I loved about this book?
Flying carpets. I love flying carpets and I'm always going to love them.

I really like the fact that the humor was mixed with the action and magic and I enjoyed reading Abby's story. I love that, sometimes, there were some funny breaks in which the funny characters were involved (like Gil, of course). Okay, maybe Abby was making me laugh too, but Gil...
It would be awesome if I would have two brothers like Jeremy and Gil. Though, I'm really sorry for Abby. I wish she had magical powers. But then, the story would have been too ordinary, right?

Anyway, "Ordinary Magic is a book that really deserves five stars and you should read it. I hope that Caitlen will write a sequel, because this book really deserves one and I'm really curious what happens next.



 La inceput, cand am aflat ca Abby este un "ord", am crezut ca o sa inceapa sa planga si ca toata lumea o sa o sustina. Am crezut ca va merge la acea scoala speciala si ca va invata istorie si multe lucruri neinteresante si ca va avea iubiti, insa m-am inselat. Abigail Hale este o fata curajoasa si puternica, iar familia ei a tratat-o ca pe una de-a lor, chiar daca era un nimic. Toata lumea i-a considerat familia demna de respect, insa imediat cum s-a aflat ca Abby nu are puteri magice, acestia i-au indepartat. Chiar si colegii ei de la scoala, chiar si profesoara a privit-o cu dezgust. Era urat ceea ce faceau, insa Abby a fost puternica si nu i-a pasat, iar cand a ajuns la scoala, totul parea sa fie perfect normal. Insa pericolele au inceput sa apara - goblinii infometati ii pandeau si doi aventurieri isi doreau sa o rapeasca pe Abby. Asa ca, atunci cand au avut ocazia sa o faca, au profitat de ea. Insa fata a fost foarte curajoasa si am ajuns sa o admir pentru acest lucru.

Nota mea: 5/5

Parerea mea

Povestea a fost foarte interesanta si, desi la inceput nu mi s-a parut ceva foarte deosebit, a ajuns sa imi placa foarte mult. Au fost momente in care am fost tinuta in suspans si mi-a placut. Personajele mele preferate au fost de departe membrii familiei Hale. Fiecare a avut ceva aparte; insa l-am adorat pe Gil din prima clipa. Glumele lui ma faceau imediat sa zambesc si faptul ca era scriitor m-a impresionat. De asemenea, si Alexa, sora ei cea mai mare, s-a dovediat a fi foarte de treaba. Plus ca il slujea pe regele Steve, deci era puternica si desteapta si mereu pregatita sa ii ia locul mamei sale, atunci cand cele doua erau departe de casa.
Abby e un personaj foarte de treaba; a reusit sa-si faca imediat prieteni. M-a mirat si faptul ca fata a fost de acord sa munceasca extrem de mult in bucatarie pe tot parcursul anului fara sa comenteze. S-a dovedit a fi foarte harnica si s-a hotarat sa isi piarda timpul liber in bucatarie, spaland vase.

Oh, si inca un lucru pe care l-am iubit la aceasta carte?
Covoare zburatoare. Iubesc covoarele zburatoare si mereu le voi iubi.

Chiar mi-a placut faptul ca umorul a fost combinat cu actiunea si magia si mi-a facut placere sa citesc povestea lui Abby. Ador ca, uneori, sa mai fie si acele pauze amuzante in care intervine unul dintre personajele amuzante cu glumele lui. Bine, si Abby era amuzanta, insa Gil...
Cred ca ar fi tare sa am si eu doi frati ca Jeremy si Gil. Totusi, imi pare rau pentru Abby. Mi-as fi dorit ca povestea sa aiba o alta intorsatura. Dar totusi, asa chiar ar fi fost ordinara, nu?

 In concluzie, "Ordinary Magic" este o carte care categoric merita cinci stele si pe care nu trebuie sa o ratati. Sper ca (,) Caitlen va scrie o continuare, pentru ca aceasta carte categoric merita una si sunt tare curioasa ce se va intampla in continuare.

duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013

Superrr! x_x

Hei, ce mai faceti?
Nu am nici umpic de inspiratie si asta ma macina ingrozitor x_x M-as duce sa fac si eu ceva cu viata mea, dar momentan sunt blocata.

Ieri, la basket, o fata a intrat in mine si eu am alunecat, rasucindu-mi glezna. Si iata-ma acum, cu Harry Potter in brate si cu piciorul pe monitor, chinuindu-ma sa scriu. Nici temele nu mi le-am facut, pentru ca cel mai probabil, maine nu voi ajunge la scoala. As fi foarte recunoscatoare pentru acest incident daca as putea, nu stiu, sa fac orice?! :))

Ei, macar mainile nu imi sunt afectate si tocmai m-am apucat de Harry Potter si Talismenele Mortii, care a inceput cu... cu moartea unui personaj atat de important! Tac, nu spun nimic. Dar acum nici nu vreau sa mai continui, pentru ca probabil voi izbucni in plans. Mda, e cam nasol cu cartile astea.

Si cum stateam singura si neajutorata in fata calculatorului, m-am gandit sa ma uit la un nou serial - sunt la zi cu toate serialele de pana acum -, anume Anatomia lui Grey. Am vazut primul sezon cu mult timp in urma, insa cum eu sunt innebunita dupa George, m-am apucat din nou si aproape am terminat si sezonul 2. Ce poate face singuratatea din oameni?!

A, si vedeti ca in februarie apare "Probabilitatea statistica de a te indragosti la prima vedere". Ce lung e titlul.=))
Oricum, ma bucur ca a fost pastrata superba coperta originala. Abia astept sa-mi precomand cartea de la editura Epica.

Castigatorii concursului Cicada!

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sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2013

Recenzie: Harry Potter si Printul Semipur de J. K. Rowling

Atentie! Recenzia contine spoilere!


Ma apropii din ce in ce mai mult de inevitabilul si ingrozitorul sfarsit al acestei serii, acestei comori create de Rowling. Noul volum ne-a afundat si mai mult in povestea plina de suspans a lui Harry Potter, un copil nascut pentru a ucide.

Lumea este terorizata de aparitia lui Cap-de-Mort, care acum s-a dat in vileag si este hotarat sa distruga intreaga lume - si pe cea vrajitoreasca, si pe cea "normala", ca sa spun asa. Insa Cap-de-Mort isi doreste sa ucida o singura persoana, persoana care l-a impiedicat sa faca ce isi propusese de mic de pe timpul in care era la Hogwarts si parea doar un student inocent. Cu timpul, Harry afla cat mai multe detalii ale copilariei lui Tom Cruplud cu ajutorul lui Dumbledore si afla care este singura sansa de a-l omori pe cel mai puternic vrajitor vazut vreodata. Pentru Harry, totul pare imposibil, insa ii are alaturi pe bunii lui prieteni, Ron si Hermione, care sunt pregatiti sa-si dea viata pentru a-l invinge pe Cap-de-Mort. Insa acestia se indoiesc ca Harry are dreptate atunci cand acesta incepe sa creada ca Draco Reacredinta, dusmanul lui de la Hogwarts, este un Devorator al Mortii, pregatit sa paseasca pe urmele tatalui sau.

Insa sfarsitul este unul extrem de tragic. Devoratorii Mortii, in frunte cu Plesneala, reusesc sa-l rapuna pe unul dintre cei mai puternici vrajitori ai tuturor timpurilor, Albus Dumedore, si sa preia controlul asupra vietii lui Harry, care se prabuseste in neant din ce in mai repede.

Nota mea: 5/5

Parerea mea

Ma asteptam ca aceasta carte sa ma impresioneze exact la fel de mult cum a facut-o Ordinul Pheonix, insa nu s-a intamplat asa. Eu, care m-am obisnuit cu ritmul alert si captivant al seriei, am parcurs cu greu cartea. Ritmul actiunii a fost extrem de incetinit si ajunsesem sa ma plictisesc, mai ales la fazele in care Harry se ducea in biroul lui Dumbledore. Erau interesante, insa abia asteptam sa se intample ceva. Am asteptat destul de mult, insa am primit ceea ce am vrut. Sfarsitul m-a dat pe spate si a reusit - din nou -  sa-mi scoata cateva lacrimi si sa ma faca sa ud filele cartii. Moartea lui Dumbledore a fost cu totul neasteptata si, pana la inmormantare, mi-a fost imposibil sa cred ca directorul, ultimul "parinte" al lui Harry, murise. Insa si mai neasteptata si complet uimitoare a fost si tradarea rusinoasa a lui Severus Plesneala, personajul in care aveam cea mai multa incredere. Faptul ca Plesneala l-a ucis pe Dumbledore a fost foarte socant si nu ma asteptam la asa ceva. Exact ce a spus si Hermione, in a cincea carte: "...daca in Dumbledore nu putem avea incredere, atunci nu putem avea incredere in nimeni!". Asa ca am avut incredere in Dumbledore si acesta la randul lui in Plesneala, care l-a ucis fara remuscari. Duh.

Sincer, eu inca sper la (inca) o pacaleala. Niste prietene mi-au spus sa am incredere in Plesneala. Poate Dumbledore traieste. Nu vreau sa-mi fac sperante desarte - asa cum am facut cu Sirius -, insa instinctul imi spune sa am in continuare incredere in Plesneala si, mai ales, in batranul Dumbledore.

Cat despre film, nu am nimic de comentat; a fost mult, mult mai in regula decat cel anterior.

vineri, 18 ianuarie 2013

In my mailbox.

 Heeei, ce faceti?
Am scapat de scoala, pentru doua zile. Cand ma gandesc ca acum doua saptamani leneveam pe canapea fara nici o grija si acum trebuie sa ma duc sa fac un proiect nasol la romana, imi bine sa... citesc! XD

Dar, sa nu uitam ca singurele lucruri care ne pot face ziua mai buna sunt cartile! Iar saptamana asta am primit niste carti pe care mi le doream de ceva vreme.

*scuze pentru lumina idioata, pentru umbre si calitate*

 De la Simona am semnele de carte de mai sus. Am facut un fel de schimb si patru din cele din imagine sunt facute de ea. Le ador, sunt ataaaat de superbe! Imi place Snape, haha.:D
Oricum, sunt tare fericita ca a acceptat schimbul pe care l-am facut, deeci: mersi!

 Cartea "Bad Taste In Boys" cred ca mi-o doresc de jumatate de an. Este magnificaaaa! Ador zombii. Plus ca arata superb, nu ma refer numai la coperta din fata, ci si la cea din spate. E asa subtire si draguta! Am primit-o de la o bloggerita din America careia ii sunt foarte recunoscatoare.
Si "My Chemical Mountain" am primit-o spre recenzie de la autoare. Pare asa geniala si inspirata!

 Harry Potter 6 si 7 sunt imprumutate de la doua prietene, deoarece, cum bine stiti, am o obsesie (mai) noua fata de cartile lui J.K.Rowling. Aproape am terminat Printul Semipur. Grr, nici nu vreau sa le termiiin, sunt mult prea bune!

 Nu prea se vede bine in imagine...
E un lant castigat tot pe un blog din America si primit direct de la autoare. Ciudat, pachetul a venit extrem de distrus, dar cutiuta in care era asta nu a patit nimic. Ce pot sa spun, am avut o saptamana norocoasa.:))

Si cartile de mai jos le-am castigat pe blogul asta. Dada, la un concurs de creatie! :>


Cam atat. Voi ce ati mai primit?

miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013

Obosita si obsedata :)

Cred ca cele doua cuvinte din titlu ma descriu cel mai bine in momentul asta.
Desi scoala a intrat, din nou, in viata mea, ca un pumn dureros in stomac, asta m-a facut sa-mi fie si mai drag cititul, un loc in care ma pot refugia oriunde si oricand.

Parca profesorii abia asteptau sa inceapa scoala, sa sara pe noi cu teme, proiecte si ascultari. E nasol sa nu te mai poti trezi cand vrei tu, insa macar cititul ma relaxeaza mai mult ca niciodata si am ajuns sa citesc pana si in timp ce profesorii ne dicteaza. Harry Potter este o lectura superba si ador fiecare rand scris de Rowling. Doamne, si cat de frica imi e sa le termin, nu vreau sa ma gandesc ca acolo nu va mai exista un Neville neindemanatic si un Plesneala clasic!

Nici inspiratie nu am mai avut, asa ca in afara de recenzii si ce carti am mai primit, nu cred ca voi mai posta nimic. Trebuie sa ma reobisnuiesc cu ritmul asta si sa ma pregatesc psihic pentru doua luni neintrerupte de scoala.

Ah, nasol.

duminică, 13 ianuarie 2013

In my mailbox!

Hei! :)
Stiu ca e cam tarziu, duminica, dar nu am avut timp sa fac pozele la carti, asa ca iata ce am primit saptamana asta.

Cartea "Ascension" am primit-o de la autoare pentru recenzie. Cartea "The Almond Tree" am castigat-o la un concurs de pe GoodReads si am primit-o tot de la autoare. Am pus si imaginile cu semnaturile.

Cartile "Isabella Rockwell's War" si "Shadows" le-am primit spre recenzie. Shadows o am e la editura, asa ca nu este semnata.

Nu-s asa multe, insa cartea Shadows mi-o doream de foarte multa vreme si abia astept sa ma apuc de ea.

Voi ce ati mai primit saptamana asta?

sâmbătă, 12 ianuarie 2013

Recenzie (la cea mai buna carte din istorie): Harry Potter si Ordinul Pheonix de J.K. Rowling

 Atentie! Recenzia contine spoilere!
Nu voi face rezumatul, pentru ca oricum va fi o recenzie lunga.

Parerea mea

Cea mai lunga (si mai extraordinara, incredibila, magnifica, perfecta) carte a seriei Harry Potter m-a facut sa plang. Nu m-am putut opri din citit si nici nu am vrut, pentru ca Joanne are atat de mult talent, incat seria asta nici nu merita un sfarsit. Am iubit fiecare moment din carte si, inainte sa ma apuc de Harry Potter, ma gandeam "cum poate sa aiba o carte atat de mult si sa nu ma plictiseasca?" si mi s-a dovedit. Cele opt sute de pagini m-au tinut captivata pana la sfarsit. Se observa foarte usor cum toate personajele evolueaza (desigur, inafara de Harry x_x) o data cu fiecare carte si film, iar pericolele cresc, mai ales pentru ca acum Cap-de-mort s-a intors si este hotarat sa-l faca pe Harry sa sufere si sa-l omoare.


WTF?? Ala nu se numeste film! A fost cea mai stupida si ignoranta chestie pe care am vazut-o! Da, da, stiu ca unii au vazut si filmul si li s-a parut extraordinar, dar dupa ce citesti si cartea... devine enervant rau de tot. Este imposibil, intr-adevar, sa bagi toate detaliile unei carti atat de lungi in doua ore de film, insa e chiar aiurea ca au sarit peste detalii importante. Nu stiu, mi s-a parut prea aiurea filmul, lucrurile nu s-au intamplat in nici un caz intr-o ordine cronologica, s-au sarit peste multe momente importante si au incheiat instantaneu filmul. Si momentul in care Sirius a murit, acela a fost momentul care m-a facut sa plang ca o idioata o ora intreaga (nu filmul m-a facut sa plang, ci cartea, desigur), iar aia imediat au incheiat filmul, fara sa mai arate suferinta lui Harry. Nu mureau daca puneau un minut cand plangea. Serios, arata asa... mai sentimental (nu ma ascultati, sunt traumatizata pe viata).
Luna Lovegood trebuia sa fie o ciudata de care nu stie nimeni, insa in film tipa chiar era draguta si in nici un caz ciudata - desi actrita era destul de buna, a reusit sa salveze umpic fazele in care trebuia sa para ciuata. Imi place parul ei.
Momentele cu Plesneala erau cele mai tari si in film nu au acordat mai mult de... 2 minute? Trebuiau sa fie intense! Si cu Pensivul lui Dumbledore cum ramaneeee? Nu a vazut momente din copilarie in mintea lui Plesneala, ci in pensiv. Ah, e ridicol.


Am avut si la carte nemultumiri.
Pentru inceput, moartea lui Sirius (scuze daca ati citit si nu stiati, dar am spus ca dau spoilere!). Autoarea nu prea... s-a concentrat pe asta. Adica mi s-a parut ca, desi Harry Potter suferea mult, nu o arata. Adica serios acum, poate Harry a trecut prin multe, dar nu pot sa cred ca un baiat de cincisprezece ani isi poate ascunde atat de mult durerea pe care o pricinuie moartea ultimei rude ramase...ei bine... inafara de matusa-nesuferita-ignoranta-dezagreeabila Petunia. Grr.
Ah, ce rau imi pare ca a murit Sirius! Din cauza lui am plans ataaaaaaaaat de mult, am simtit ca eu am ramas singura, nu Harry! Adica tot anul numai in Sirius a avut incredere si acum a disparut, iar Harry nu mai are cui sa-si exprime ingrijorarile - inafara de Dumbledore si mult iubitii lui prieteni.
O alta nemultumire ar fi ca unele personaje apar prea rar. Adica asta as fi preferat rau, dar nu spun ca e un defect al cartii. Doar ca, de exemplu, Remus Lupin e un personaj foarte de treaba care tine mult la Harry. Si nu prea apare. La fel si Sirius, doar ca acum a disparut pe veeeeeeci :( A, si Moody. Moody e chiar de treaba :D
Dar, in schimb, ma bucur ca a aparut Severus Plesneala mai des. Severus pare asa... de treaba. Mai ales dupa ce am aflat ca tatal lui Harry il tortura. Sincer, Plesneala a devenit acum personajul meu preferat, din moment ce Sirius a muriiiiiiiit :(
Gata, gata. Mai bine ma opresc. Cineva, un servetel?

Ahaha, banuiesc ca nu trebuie sa mai spun ce nota ii dau.
Cine a citit toata recenzia... ma mir ca a reusit ;)

joi, 10 ianuarie 2013

The Sullivans Blog Tour Stop (Guest Post)

Please enjoy this guest post by Bella Andre, New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of the contemporary romance series, The Sullivans. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including special romantic swag baskets for each book, an iPad Mini, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, and Kobo eReader, and Amazon and iTunes gift cards!

Alpha Heroes & Happily Ever Afters:  The Perfect Combo

A guest post by Bella Andre

Alpha heroes are my favorite kind of hero: sexy, rugged, independent and take-charge. Yum!
Take Chase Sullivan, the hero of THE LOOK OF LOVE, the first book in my best-selling Sullivan series. He’s a jet-setting photographer, a mind-blowing lover, and is surrounded by gorgeous models all day long. But it isn’t until he meets Chloe Peterson on the side of a road during a rainstorm in the Napa Valley wine country that he falls in love.
One of my favorite things about an alpha hero falling in love is that all those alpha traits – his single-minded determination, his focus – are then devoted entirely to the woman of his dreams. Chloe’s been burned by men before, but Chase is determined to show her that he’s worth trusting. What follows is his relentlessly sexy pursuit of Chloe, because now that Chase has found love, he won’t accept anything less.
Each of the Sullivan heroes is an alpha in his own way. Marcus (FROM THIS MOMENT ON) is the de-facto family patriarch. He looks after the rest of his family and takes care of them. Gabe (CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE) is a take-charge firefighter. He rushes into danger to save lives – what’s not to love? Zach (IF YOU WERE MINE) is a handy, self-sufficient mechanic and businessman. In addition to being wealthy and successful, he’s useful with a wrench.
What’s hot is when those alpha traits are turned towards pursuing – and catching – the women of their dreams.
The Sullivans are on tour with Novel Publicity. Follow along for your chance to win amazing prizes. We’ve got special romantic swag baskets for each book, an iPad Mini, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, and Kobo eReader, and Amazon and iTunes gift cards. WOW!
You’ll also get introduced to this amazing contemporary romance series via excerpts as well as interviews with and guest posts from New York Times and USA Today best-selling author, Bella Andre. You’ll definitely want to learn more about the family that has captured the world’s heart.
All the info you need to join the fun and enter to win amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment–easy to enter; easy to win!
To Win the Prizes:
  1. Purchase any of the Sullivan ebooks by Bella Andre for just $4.99 (optional)
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity (go here)
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event (that’s where the HUGE prizes are)
About The SullivansIn this sexy, emotional and funny contemporary romance series, each member of the Sullivan family will eventually find true love…usually where he or she least expects it.
Get the eBooks via Amazon USAmazon UKBarnes & Noblethe iBookStore, or the Kobo Store.
Audiobooks are also available for the first five in the series (with more coming soon). Plus, keep an eye out for paperback editions coming from Harlequin Romance starting Summer 2013.
All Sullivan Covers

 ~About the author~

Bella Andre_1

 New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Bella Andre has always been a writer. Songs came first, and then non-fiction books, but as soon as she started writing her first romance novel, she knew she’d found her perfect career. Known for “sensual, empowered stories enveloped in heady romance” (Publishers Weekly) about sizzling alpha heroes and the strong women they’ll love forever, nearly all of her novels have appeared on Top 10 lists at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple and Kobo.
Her books have been Cosmopolitan Magazine “Red Hot Reads” twice and have been translated into nine languages. Winner of the Award of Excellence, The Washington Post has called her “One of the top digital writers in America” and she has been featured by NPR, USA Today, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. She has given the keynote speech at Book Expo America on her self-publishing success and has sold more than one million books.
If not behind her computer, you can find her reading her favorite authors, hiking, swimming or laughing. Married with two children, Bella splits her time between the Northern California wine country and a 100 year old log cabin in the Adirondacks.

miercuri, 9 ianuarie 2013

The Sullivans Blog Tour Stop (Interview)

Please enjoy this interview with Bella Andre, New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of the contemporary romance series, The Sullivans. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including special romantic swag baskets for each book, an iPad Mini, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, and Kobo eReader, and Amazon and iTunes gift cards!

Interview with Bella Andre

about her writing habits and success

1. Tell us about writing and publishing your very first novel. What were your expectations when you first waded into the self-publishing pond? Is there anything you would do differently if given another chance?
I honestly had no expectations other than some of my loyal readers would finally get a chance to read my book – and that was enough for me. Meeting so many new readers and fans has been icing on a cake I had no idea was being served.
2. You’re an icon in the indie publishing community. Your success is something we all aspire to. What do you believe has been the greatest contributing factor to the success of your novels?
Thank you, that’s lovely to hear. I’ve so enjoyed self-publishing these past couple of years, and I’ve been lucky to have the most wonderful fans with me every step of the way. There are so many things that go into success, but I think my focus and determination – along with the best readers in the world – have been the biggest factors.
3. What was your reaction when you first found out you broke onto the New York Times and USA Today best-sellers’ lists? How did you celebrate?
Actually, it’s kind of a funny story. I was on my way to the RWA National conference last summer and was sitting in the airport in Albany, New York when I found out I had three books on the USA Today bestsellers list. I called my husband and we had a mini celebration on the phone. I flew into Atlanta where I was switching planes for Anaheim, and when we landed I turned on my phone and checked my email. An agent (not mine, I was agentless at the time) had emailed me with the title “CONGRATULATIONS, New York Times!” That was when I found out I also had three books on the New York Times bestseller list…and I started crying. On the airplane. With a very conservative woman sitting next to me. She must have thought I was losing it, because she promptly turned her back on me. :) Of course I called my husband and cried happy tears some more. That night when I got into Anaheim, all of my closest writing friends came up to my room and we celebrated. It was AWESOME!
4. You’ve recently shared some very exciting news—Harlequin MIRA has optioned the print rights for The Sullivans in a record-breaking seven-figure deal. Congratulations! How did this transpire? And how does it affect your writing and publishing plans?
Thank you, I’m beyond thrilled about it and Harlequin have been a dream to work with. They are so incredibly enthusiastic about putting The Sullivans out in paperback in English all over the world, with a simultaneous launch in the US, the UK, Canada and Australia starting this June and going back-to-back each month with the first eight books through April 2014.
My ebook sales numbers for the self-published Sullivan series had been growing bigger and bigger in the year since I’d started publishing the series, and I knew a print-only deal was going to happen soon. When so many Sullivans hit the New York Times and USA Today all at once, that was when the publishers started calling and making offers. I truly feel that Harlequin is the *perfect* publisher for my sexy, emotional contemporary romance Sullivan series.
Because I retained all of my ebook, audiobook, foreign translation and film/TV rights, I am continuing to put out my Sullivans, and other future books, as self-published ebooks and audio books. I have released seven Sullivan ebooks so far and the eighth (ALWAYS ON MY MIND, Lori Sullivan’s story) will be out this spring…and I have a great idea for a brand new series that I hope to start writing this year as well. I have licensed the series in Brazil, France and Portugal so far, and the first two books are already big bestsellers in Brazil, which is very exciting.
5. You write fast! Not only do you produce several novels per year, you produce several well written, polished novels per year. What is your writing process like? Do you have any advice for other wordsmiths struggling with productivity?
Thanks for the great compliment. I work so hard on my stories to make sure they’re emotional and fun and sexy and that they take my readers out of their lives for a little while. I write every day, everywhere, no matter what. I don’t wait for inspiration or a muse to come calling. Fortunately, my favorite thing is writing. In fact, today as I was sniffling over my keyboard during a really emotional scene between my hero and heroine, I was thinking how very happy it made me to be able to write books all day…and to know that I have the best fans in the world waiting to read them!
6. In the early days, what did you do to market your books? Would you recommend these strategies to writers in today’s market?
I took a really personal approach. Because I had started digital publishing in response to my readers who had emailed asking me for books, whenever I released a book, I individually emailed each and every single reader to let them know about it. Now, thanks to Facebook and Twitter, I can interact with my readers in other ways that let me spend more time on actually writing, and I recommend doing anything that puts you in touch with your readers.
7. How has making it big changed your approach to writing and marketing your work? Has it changed your approach?
I truly believe that my fans want me to spend more time writing and less time gabbing. :) So I always err on the side of writing…and then once I’ve met my page count goals for the day, I go onto twitter and Facebook and answer emails.
8. You’ve connected with a large international fan base. Do readers abroad respond differently to your novels than those in the USA? Which countries in particular have fallen in love with your work?
I’m having a love affair with my Brazilian readers, and I also love love love my Australia/New Zealand, UK and Canadian readers as well! They’re so passionate and supportive of The Sullivans – but I’ve been really fortunate to find readers everywhere have been kind and amazing.
9. You attend a lot of conferences. Recently, you delivered the keynote address at the 2012 Book Expo America. How have conferences contributed to your writing career?
Conferences are an amazing opportunity to stay abreast of what’s happening in the business. I get incredible value out of networking in the lounge and hearing what people are up to and what ideas they have. The thing is, I truly love this business and everyone I’ve met had been wonderful…so it’s really not work at all for me. In fact, going to a conference and meeting with people is always such fun.
10. My, you are a busy bee! How do you find balance between writing, publishing, and promoting your books and the rest of your life? Any tips for the rest of us?
Give up sleep and sanity…and have an awesome husband who is happy to take care of absolutely everything non-book-related in your life! :) But seriously – get a good team behind you. I have a team of beta readers, editors, proofers and digital file producers, I work with great bloggers, and I also have the love and support of my family. Everyone thinks “indie publishing” means being independent, but it’s not the case at all. While you get to be charge of your own career and your own vision, you also work with tons of great people to put your book out there!
The Sullivans are on tour with Novel Publicity. Follow along for your chance to win amazing prizes. We’ve got special romantic swag baskets for each book, an iPad Mini, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, and Kobo eReader, and Amazon and iTunes gift cards. WOW!
You’ll also get introduced to this amazing contemporary romance series via excerpts as well as interviews with and guest posts from New York Times and USA Today best-selling author, Bella Andre. You’ll definitely want to learn more about the family that has captured the world’s heart.
All the info you need to join the fun and enter to win amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment–easy to enter; easy to win!
To Win the Prizes:
  1. Purchase any of the Sullivan ebooks by Bella Andre for just $4.99 (optional)
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity (go here)
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event (that’s where the HUGE prizes are)
About The SullivansIn this sexy, emotional and funny contemporary romance series, each member of the Sullivan family will eventually find true love…usually where he or she least expects it.
Get the eBooks via Amazon USAmazon UKBarnes & Noblethe iBookStore, or the Kobo Store.
Audiobooks are also available for the first five in the series (with more coming soon). Plus, keep an eye out for paperback editions coming from Harlequin Romance starting Summer 2013.
All Sullivan Covers

 ~About the author~

Bella Andre_1

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Bella Andre has always been a writer. Songs came first, and then non-fiction books, but as soon as she started writing her first romance novel, she knew she’d found her perfect career. Known for “sensual, empowered stories enveloped in heady romance” (Publishers Weekly) about sizzling alpha heroes and the strong women they’ll love forever, nearly all of her novels have appeared on Top 10 lists at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple and Kobo.
Her books have been Cosmopolitan Magazine “Red Hot Reads” twice and have been translated into nine languages. Winner of the Award of Excellence, The Washington Post has called her “One of the top digital writers in America” and she has been featured by NPR, USA Today, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. She has given the keynote speech at Book Expo America on her self-publishing success and has sold more than one million books.
If not behind her computer, you can find her reading her favorite authors, hiking, swimming or laughing. Married with two children, Bella splits her time between the Northern California wine country and a 100 year old log cabin in the Adirondacks.

The Nightmare Affair

Sixteen-year-old Dusty Everhart breaks into houses late at night, but not because she’s a criminal. No, she’s a Nightmare.


Being the only Nightmare at Arkwell Academy, a boarding school for magickind, and living in the shadow of her mother’s infamy, is hard enough. But when Dusty sneaks into Eli Booker’s house, things get a whole lot more complicated. He’s hot, which means sitting on his chest and invading his dreams couldn’t get much more embarrassing. But it does. Eli is dreaming of a murder.

Then Eli’s dream comes true.

Now Dusty has to follow the clues—both within Eli’s dreams and out of them—to stop the killer before more people turn up dead. And before the killer learns what she’s up to and marks her as the next target.

marți, 8 ianuarie 2013 la sfarsit a mai ramas cosmarul!

Nu mai tin minte de cand nu am mai citit o carte scrisa de un roman, cred ca de o vesnicie. Nu stiu de ce lumea subapreciaza romanii. Aiurea rau.

Si, cum stiti si voi, iubesc cartile horror. Imi vine sa le imbratisez! :))
Asa ca am dat de o carte perfecta pe care mi-as dori mult sa o citesc. 
Nanana, uitee: la sfarsit a mai ramas COSMARUL
Romanul horror al lui Oliviu Craznic se bazeaza pe cronici medievale. Actiunea cartii se petrece in Castelul Ultimelor Turnuri, unde lucrurile merg cu adevarat Rau. Invitat la nunta unei necunoscute intr-un castel bantuit de diavol, nobilul decazut Arthur de Seragens se trezeste prins intr-o ingrozitoare plasa a nebuniei, tradarii si crimei. In vreme ce oaspetii mor in jurul lui unul dupa altul intr-un mod misterios, secerati de un dusman inuman, Arthur intrezareste cu groaza cum latul se strange in jurul singurei persoane de care i-a pasat vreodata, superba Adrianna de Valois, tanara fiica a intunecatului si temutului sef al Politiei. Panicat si confuz, Arthur se vede astfel nevoit sa incheie o alianta fragila si controversata cu cei mai puternici dintre supravietuitori, care au inceput deja o ancheta in intuneric, impreuna dar suspectandu-se unii pe altii: vicontele de Vincennes, prietenul din copilarie al lui Arthur, versat in intrigile de salon, logician si vanator iscusit; baronul german Von Walter Calatorul, ale carui peregrinari prin locuri uitate de lume l-au adus de atatea ori in fata unor adevaruri de neindurat; frumoasa si imorala Giulianna Sellini, despre care se spune in soapta ca i-a sedus deodata pe Dumnezeu si pe Diavol; fostul preot Huguet de Castlenove, acum un spadasin periculos, al carui drum presarat cu cadavre duce la o amanta misterioasa; ducele de Chalais, puternic si crud stapanitor al tinutului, rafinat, aratos si incapabil de a-si stapani pornirile violente; si, mai ales, barbatul care conduce investigatia si de care se tem toti, caci o singura vorba a lui poate aduce rugul – Albert de Guy, inchizitorul…
Deci o ador! Pana si numele suna asa de... provocator.

Dati click pe banner daca doriti sa aflati mai multe detalii despre autor si pentru a o comanda, e la reducere :)
Desi inca nu am citit-o, ceva imi spune ca o sa-mi placa.

Va laaas :D

The Sullivans Blog Tour Stop (Interview & Giveaway)

Please enjoy this interview with Bella Andre, New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of the contemporary romance series, The Sullivans. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including special romantic swag baskets for each book, an iPad Mini, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, and Kobo eReader, and Amazon and iTunes gift cards!

Interview with Bella Andre

about her best-selling series, The Sullivans

1. You create characters beautifully and are an absolute master of plot twists. It seems like you could write in almost any genre and do a bang-up job of it. What made you decide to devote your efforts to the romance genre in particular?
Thank you so much for the compliments! I’ve always been a huge romance fan – I’ve been reading nearly a book a day since I was a teenager – so it was a natural fit for me when the characters starting appearing in my head one day. :)
2. How did the idea for this interconnected contemporary romance series first come to you? What was your inspiration?
I love the family series that have always been popular in historical romance – like Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series and Nora Roberts’s MacGregors – and I was also inspired by my husband’s large family. It seemed like a natural fit to combine the funny and sweet family dynamics into an overarching series of sexy contemporary romances with the alpha heroes that I love so much.
3. Everyone seems to have a favorite Sullivan. Now I know this is like asking you to choose between your own children, but who is your favorite? And who’s most like you?
I’ll have to plead the fifth and pick Mary Sullivan – the family matriarch – as my favorite Sullivan. She’s the heart that keeps the family together and I get emotional whenever I write a scene with her. In fact, in COME A LITTLE BIT CLOSER (Smith Sullivan’s story), the scene where he calls his mother to ask for love advice is one that so many readers have told me is their absolute favorite scene in any Sullivan book.
As for who is most like me – maybe Sophie Sullivan from I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU. She loves to read (and is a librarian) and when she wants something (in her case: bad boy Jake McCann), she goes for it! Of course, I’m also a lot like Lori Sullivan (aka “Naughty”) with her big mouth and constant laughter.
4. In your opinion, what ingredients are needed to make up a good love story? Is life the same as fiction in this respect? Why or why not?
I love to love my characters and when I write a story I need two heroic, nice, good people (and why not gorgeous, too?!) who deserve love and have a lot of love to offer in return, but who are flawed partially because they haven’t found that perfect someone who complements them like no other. I like my fiction to be a little bigger than life – the Sullivans are extraordinarily hot, sensitive and attentive – but at their heart, they’re all very real.
5. How has your own love story with your husband informed the Sullivan series? Are there any scenes that are directly taken from your own life?
I have the best husband in the entire world. Sweet, loving, sensitive…and super hot! He’s always supported me in everything I’ve ever done and I think his strength and capability to love is at the core of every hero I write.
With that said, none of the scenes are ever taken directly from my own life. I have a very active imagination. :)
6. Let’s pretend for a second that you are a single woman living in the world of the Sullivans, which of the six brothers would you be most likely to fall in love with and why?
Ohhhh, now THAT is a fun fantasy! I would fall in love with each and every single one of them – and do, while I’m writing each of their stories! If I had to pick one, I might have my eye on Marcus (FROM THIS MOMENT ON) – because while all of my Sullivans are sweet, sexy and sensitive – Marcus is the only one with his own endless supply of wine from his winery. And there’s just something about the oldest brother…. Then again, Zach Sullivan is such a great combination of cocky and sweet. And Ryan Sullivan has all those muscles. And Gabe is such a hero as a firefighter (and I love his dirty talking between the sheets). And Chase is so sexy and protective. And then there’s Jake McCann (who falls in love with Sophie Sullivan) with his tattoos and big muscles. Not to mention Lori’s hero in the upcoming ALWAYS ON MY MIND which will be out this spring. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Lori’s hero just might be the hottest hero I’ve ever written.
See, what did I tell you earlier? I’m no good at picking just one. So let’s just say, yet again, ALL OF THEM!
7. The Sullivans and their beaux have some pretty interesting careers. From photographers and sculptors to professional actors, musicians and ball players all the way to firefighters, librarians and business owners, they lead very exciting lives! What type of research did you have to do to capture these jobs so well? Do you have any interesting research anecdotes to share?
I’ve written firefighters and athletes in previous series which helped with my firefighter, Gabe (CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE) and my baseball player, Ryan (LET ME BE THE ONE). I also live in Sonoma and have a lot of experience with wine and wineries which was ideal for winery owner Marcus (FROM THIS MOMENT ON) and as a writer I’ve been blessed to work with many librarians who served as information points for Sophie (I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU.)
For books where I need inspiration, the internet has been amazing and when needed, I also call on the help of professionals. Even though I’d written firefighters before, I still sent all my firefighting scenes to a professional and for Smith’s book (COME A LITTLE BIT CLOSER) I sent all the acting-set sequences to a local film producer.
8. I was very touched by the inclusion of Yorkie puppy, Cuddles, and Great Dane rescue, Atlas, in book five, If You Were Mine. Are you a dog person yourself? If you have pets, I’d love to know more about them!
I *love* animals. I had the best time writing the two dogs in IF YOU WERE MINE. They had their own little love story in that book, which pleased me to no end. There’s a cat that plays a very important role in ALWAYS ON MY MIND (Lori Sullivan’s story, coming Spring 2013). My whole family loves animals, and we’ve recently adopted a beautiful cat. Or more accurately, the cat has adopted us, smart little minx.
9. The Sullivan series is currently seven volumes long. How many more books do you have planned, and which other family members will get the spotlight in their own books?
Lori’s book (ALWAYS ON MY MIND) is up next, and there are 5 Seattle Sullivans who are ready for love – I will start with Rafe Sullivan’s book this summer! Plus, I have something *very* special planned for Mary Sullivan, their mother, planned to release for the holidays in 2013.
10. And lastly (for a bit of random fun), what has been the most amazing/ touching/ validating interaction you’ve had with a fan of your books?
Everyone who has ever written to me on Facebook or Twitter or Goodreads or via email to tell me how much they love my books and that the Sullivans have moved them in some way has touched me. I love my fans, so, so much! I have the very best time in the world writing about my Sullivans… and knowing that I have so many absolutely wonderful people waiting to read them as soon as they’re released is a total thrill every single day.
The Sullivans are on tour with Novel Publicity. Follow along for your chance to win amazing prizes. We’ve got special romantic swag baskets for each book, an iPad Mini, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, and Kobo eReader, and Amazon and iTunes gift cards. WOW!
You’ll also get introduced to this amazing contemporary romance series via excerpts as well as interviews with and guest posts from New York Times and USA Today best-selling author, Bella Andre. You’ll definitely want to learn more about the family that has captured the world’s heart.
All the info you need to join the fun and enter to win amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment–easy to enter; easy to win!
To Win the Prizes:
  1. Purchase any of the Sullivan ebooks by Bella Andre for just $4.99 (optional)
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity (go here)
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event (that’s where the HUGE prizes are)
About The SullivansIn this sexy, emotional and funny contemporary romance series, each member of the Sullivan family will eventually find true love…usually where he or she least expects it.
Get the eBooks via Amazon USAmazon UKBarnes & Noblethe iBookStore, or the Kobo Store.
Audiobooks are also available for the first five in the series (with more coming soon). Plus, keep an eye out for paperback editions coming from Harlequin Romance starting Summer 2013.
All Sullivan Covers

 ~About the author~

Bella Andre_1

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Bella Andre has always been a writer. Songs came first, and then non-fiction books, but as soon as she started writing her first romance novel, she knew she’d found her perfect career. Known for “sensual, empowered stories enveloped in heady romance” (Publishers Weekly) about sizzling alpha heroes and the strong women they’ll love forever, nearly all of her novels have appeared on Top 10 lists at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple and Kobo.
Her books have been Cosmopolitan Magazine “Red Hot Reads” twice and have been translated into nine languages. Winner of the Award of Excellence, The Washington Post has called her “One of the top digital writers in America” and she has been featured by NPR, USA Today, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. She has given the keynote speech at Book Expo America on her self-publishing success and has sold more than one million books.
If not behind her computer, you can find her reading her favorite authors, hiking, swimming or laughing. Married with two children, Bella splits her time between the Northern California wine country and a 100 year old log cabin in the Adirondacks.

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Firefly (Cicada #2) by Belle Whittington - Cover Reveal

Scuzati, da, stiu ca arata ca naiba, dar nu conteaza.
Pentru ca vom afla coperta volumului ce precede minunata Cicada! <3
Arr, nu vreti sa lipsiti la asta...

luni, 7 ianuarie 2013

In my mailboxxx !

Hei! :D
Banuiesc ca v-ati dat seama ca nu am mai facut postarea asta de ceva timp si ca uneori o fac ori saptamanal, ori in ziua in care imi vin cartile.
Asa ca de acum o sa fac cate o postare "In my mailbox" la sfarsitul saptamanii cu tot ce primesc. Inclusiv saptamana asta.

Deci, tadaaa:

The Winter Palace si Isabella Rockwell's War pentru recenzie. Ambele carti sunt ingrozitor de interesanteee <3

Harry Potter, volumul 5, este imprumutat de la o prietena. The Replacement am primit-o de la Alexandra (Niahara) in urma unui schimb de carti.

Mai sus am un postcard semnat tot de la autoarea cartii Isabella Rockwell's War (dreapta), niste semne de carte si un postcard cadou de la Alexandra (care stie ca ii multumesc mult!) si doua oje de la prietena mamei pe care mi le-a dat ieri :D

Cam atat. Voi ce ati mai primit? :)

The Sullivans Blog Tour Stop (Guest post & Giveaway)

Please enjoy this guest post by Bella Andre, New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of the contemporary romance series, The Sullivans. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including special romantic swag baskets for each book, an iPad Mini, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, and Kobo eReader, and Amazon and iTunes gift cards!

The Many Types of Love & How They Manifest in My Life

~A guest post by Bella Andre~

You know that saying – kindness begets kindness? Well, I think love begets love, and the more love you have in your life – of all types – the more you learn about how to love yourself and others. The first kind of love you learn about, soon after you’re born, is love for your family. Then comes love for your classmates and friends, then various dates until you meet the one.
Family love is so important to me. My husband is incredibly supportive and we’re both equal partners in everything we do. Since I’ve always got a new book to write, I try to get my pages in while the kids are at school. But since my daily to-do list often spills over into the evening, I often take my MacBook Air into the living room and write or answer emails while my kids play on the carpet.
In fact, just at this very moment, my son is organizing his baseball cards on the floor while my daughter sits beside him and colors…and my fabulous husband cleans up the kitchen. (Hooray for men with cleaning skills!) I hope we’re creating a loving, nurturing environment so when my kids grow up and find partners of their own, they know what true love feels like.
Mary Sullivan is an example of love for her eight children, the talented siblings of the Sullivan series. Because she cares so much for them, and they care for each other, they’re unwilling to accept less than that level of devotion and affection in their partner.  The family is also so intuitive, they learn to recognize when the others are in love.
In my latest release, Smith (COME A LITTLE BIT CLOSER) falls for his co-star’s sister. But Valentina is determined not to be the kind of woman who falls into bed with a sexy movie star. Only, when Smith’s family meets Valentina and Smith, they’re immediately able to see that Valentina is different than any other woman Smith has ever been with – and that Smith is happier because of her, too.

The Sullivans are on tour with Novel Publicity. Follow along for your chance to win amazing prizes. We’ve got special romantic swag baskets for each book, an iPad Mini, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, and Kobo eReader, and Amazon and iTunes gift cards. WOW!
You’ll also get introduced to this amazing contemporary romance series via excerpts as well as interviews with and guest posts from New York Times and USA Today best-selling author, Bella Andre. You’ll definitely want to learn more about the family that has captured the world’s heart.
All the info you need to join the fun and enter to win amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment–easy to enter; easy to win!

To Win the Prizes:
  1. Purchase any of the Sullivan ebooks by Bella Andre for just $4.99 (optional)
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity (go here)
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event (that’s where the HUGE prizes are)
About The SullivansIn this sexy, emotional and funny contemporary romance series, each member of the Sullivan family will eventually find true love…usually where he or she least expects it.
Get the eBooks via Amazon USAmazon UKBarnes & Noblethe iBookStore, or the Kobo Store.
Audiobooks are also available for the first five in the series (with more coming soon). Plus, keep an eye out for paperback editions coming from Harlequin Romance starting Summer 2013.

All Sullivan Covers

~About the Author~

Bella Andre_1

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Bella Andre has always been a writer. Songs came first, and then non-fiction books, but as soon as she started writing her first romance novel, she knew she’d found her perfect career. Known for “sensual, empowered stories enveloped in heady romance” (Publishers Weekly) about sizzling alpha heroes and the strong women they’ll love forever, nearly all of her novels have appeared on Top 10 lists at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple and Kobo.
Her books have been Cosmopolitan Magazine “Red Hot Reads” twice and have been translated into nine languages. Winner of the Award of Excellence, The Washington Post has called her “One of the top digital writers in America” and she has been featured by NPR, USA Today, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. She has given the keynote speech at Book Expo America on her self-publishing success and has sold more than one million books.
If not behind her computer, you can find her reading her favorite authors, hiking, swimming or laughing. Married with two children, Bella splits her time between the Northern California wine country and a 100 year old log cabin in the Adirondacks.
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