Pamantul este condus de Ceilalti. O specie de extraterestrii care controleaza emotiile oamenilor. Si nu o fac prin forta, ci prin controlarea mintii. Doar ca Althea se crede diferita, iar biletul lasat de Ko ii confirma asta. Aceasta se preface ca este mereu fericita - ca restul celorlalti - desi in adancul ei stie ca nu este singura. Iar cand il intalneste pe frumosul Lucas, totul incepe sa aiba sens. El este ca ea, Ceva Diferit. Impreuna, ei incep sa caute raspunsuri. Insa curand cei doi realizeaza ca pericolul e mai aproape de ei. Deshi, colegul lor este si el un Celalalt. Iar cand Lucas si Althea afla ca parintii lor sunt Elementele si ca au puteri aparte, isi dau seama ca Ceilalti sunt pe urmele lor, iar totul se transforma intr-o aventura la care Althea nu s-ar fi asteptat vreodata.
Nota mea: 5/5
Parerea mea
Cartea asta a fost perfecta. Am savurat fiecare cuvintel. Povestea dintre Althea si Lucas incepea, incetul cu incetul, sa infloreasca. Trisha Leigh ne-a tinut intr-un suspans continuu. Scrisul ei era foarte clar. Ideea originala, povestita cu mult stil si talent, m-a dus pe un alt taram, locul unde se presupune ca ar trebui sa traim peste doi ani, in 2015. Faptul ca fetei ii era frica de Ceilalti o deosebea complet de ceilalti locuitori din Danbury, iar faptul ca de obicei este pe invers si protagonista este neinfricata a adus acestei carti un strop de realism. Actiunea a fost constanta si nu m-am plictisit nici o clipa, ba chiar am vrut sa trec peste ora mea de culcare si sa citesc pana in zori. Categoric recomand aceasta carte si sper din tot sufletul ca voi avea ocazia sa citesc si volumul doi. Respect pentru Trisha Leigh!
Earth is ruled by the Others. A race of aliens who control people's feelings. And they're not doing this with force, but with mind control. But Althea thinks that is Something Else, and the note let in her necklace wrote by Ko confirms this. Althea pretend she is always happy - like everybody else - though in her deep she knows that she's not alone. And when she meets beautiful Lucas, everything starts to make sense. He is like her, Something Else. Together, they start to search answers. But soon they realize that the danger is really close. Deshi, their " friend " is an Other, too. And when Lucas and Althea discover that their parents are the Elements, and that both of them have some strange powers, like fire and water, they realize that the Others are on their trail. Everything turns into an adventure in which she would never expect to take part of.
My mark: 5/5
My opinion
This book was perfect! I really can't believe that it finished so fast! :( I enjoyed every word. The story between Althea and Lucas was starting, slowly, to bloom. Trisha Leigh kept us in a continuous suspense. The original ideea, written with a lot of stile and talent, took me into another world, the place where are suppose to be us in two years, in 2015. Althea was afraid of the Others, wich was diferentiating her completely from the other inhabitants from Danbury. It usually happens the opposite - the main character is fearless. But this fact gave the book a little realism. The action was constant and I never get bored. It even made me get over the bedtime and read until dawn. I definately recommend this book and I really hope that I'll get the opportunity to read the second novel. Respect for Trisha Leigh!
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ȘtergereCartea este absolut superba!
RăspundețiȘtergereFoarte super coperta imi place mult felicitri pentru noua achizitie
RăspundețiȘtergereCat despre descriere chiar pare foarte interesanta poate o sa o citesc si eu in vitor
RăspundețiȘtergereCat de minunata e coperta!:) Si numele cartii imi da o liniste interioara.
RăspundețiȘtergereFrumoasa recenzie ^-^