luni, 17 septembrie 2012

Interviu cu Renae Lucas-Hall - Tokyo Hearts + giveaway!

Hello! ^.^

A venit timpul sa organizez un concurs! :)
Cum am mentionat intr-o postare anterioara, Renae Lucas-Hall a acceptat saa imi trimita o copie mie si una castigatorului acestui concurs.

Si fiti atenti!
10% din profitul autoarei pe urma acestei carti va fi donat fundatiei Tohoku ( o chestie de cutremure ).
Ce bine ma simt acum, ca citesc si eu cartea! Desi nu stiu de ce.:))
So sweet.

Despre carte

A fascinating exploration of life in modern-day Japan, TOKYO HEARTS is a poignant love story that will catapult you directly onto the fashionable streets of this nation’s capital and into the hearts of Takashi and Haruka. Takashi is a young and popular university student who has fallen in love with his stylish and sophisticated friend Haruka. She is sweet and kind and adores shopping for high-end Japanese and Western brands. Every week, they meet up in the heart of Tokyo, enjoying each other’s company, and for Takashi, life is perfect. But the path to true love is never easy. When Takashi discovers that Haruka is seeing her wealthy ex-boyfriend from Kyoto, his life begins to turn upside down. This coming of age story traces the lives of Takashi and Haruka and their friends as they deal with young love and the ups and downs of growing up in Tokyo – truly one of the most stylish, energetic and exhilarating cities in the world.


Despre autoare

Renae Lucas-Hall is an Australian born British novelist and writer. After graduating from university with a degree in Japanese language and culture, she lived in Tokyo for two years and taught English. Over the past twenty years, Renae has continued to visit Japan many times for work or as a tourist. Renae loves to read and write anything and everything about Japanese fiction and non-fiction. She lives in Gloucestershire in the UK with her husband. Find out more about Renae and her writing at

Profilul ei de Goodreads:


Interviul cu autoarea

1.Hello, Renae! Can you tell us something about you and your book “Tokyo Hearts”?
Tokyo Hearts is a poignant love story that follows the lives of a young Japanese couple and their friends as they deal with the complications of growing up in Tokyo and the pitfalls of falling in love for the first time. Trip Fiction says“this is a fabulous novel that weaves its way into the heart of Tokyo life”.
I graduated from university with a major in Japanese culture and language. I then went on to live and work in Japan for several years. I’m currently working on a sequel Tokyo Dreams and I continue to write short stories set in Japan.

2. When have you did you decide that you wanted to write books?
I always loved writing stories when I was at school from about the age of twelve. I also spent a lot of my time reading the classics. When I was at university I studied Japanese language, culture and literature and it was then that I started developing stories set in Japan.

3. Where do you find your inspiration for your novels? (If it’s not a secret) Have you ever found it in your real life?
I get my inspiration from Japan. Tokyo, Kyoto and so many other areas of Japan are such wonderful places full of stories that are just waiting to be written. I don’t really base my writing on people I know. Instead, I like to write about people who I’d like to meet.

4. Do any of your fictional characters resemble you?
No, my fictional characters are not based on me. As I write for young people, I try to base my characters on people who would interest my readers. My characters are not perfect and they have to overcome many of the obstacles that young people face on a universal scale.

5. Which book was the first one that you’ve read?
My favourite book when I was a child and the first book that captured my imagination was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis.

6. Do you have a favourite book?
No, I don’t have a favourite book but I love reading the classics, contemporary popular fiction and anything and everything about Japan.

7. If you were about to leave on a trip, which book would you take with you?
I usually take two books on a two-week holiday. I haven’t read Singular Rebellion by Saiichi Maruya so I’d probably take that with me. I’m also looking forward to reading Captain Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Bernières.

8. Tell us one thing you’d like to change in people nowadays.
A lot of people are buying Kindles for birthday and Christmas presents at the moment so I hope this inspires more people to read more books.

9. Is there a moment in your life you’d like to live again?
I’m half Australian and half British and I’ve lived in Australia, Tokyo and the UK. I really enjoyed living in Tokyo and I’d love to return and spend at least another year living there.

10. Do you have a message for Romanian readers? Why would you recommend your book?
I really hope that my book is translated into the Romanian language so that many more people in Romania can appreciate stories set in Japan. I’ve heard that your country is very beautiful and I’ve also heard that Romanian people are very kind and really care about others in a very sincere way. Therefore, I’m sure I’ll visit Romania in the future.


Cartea este in engleza. :)

Semnele de carte vor fi trimise de mine.

Pentru a participa completati mai jos cerintele.

Le verific pe toate, asa ca va rog, nu trisati. 
Voua nu va aduce nici un folos si eu doar imi pierd timpul.

  Bafta tuturor in prima zi de scoala! ^.^

30 de comentarii:

  1. Multumim pentru concurs! <3 Cea mai buna carte pe care am citit-o? E o intrebare barbara, sa stii. Divergent, sa zicem <3

  2. Nu am nicio idee. Imi plac distopiile deci cred ca Divergent de Veronica Roth.

  3. Crima si pedeapsa de Dostoievski si Gargui de Andrew davidson

  4. Sunt multe; Gargui, Stapanul Inelelor, Contele de Monte Cristo etc.

  5. Avand in vedere ca sunt multe voi mentiona doar cateva, Zece Negri mititei, Harry Potter, Stapanul Inelelor, Dune, Fortele raului absolut

  6. Harry Potter pentru mine semnifica chiar adolescenta si cu siguranta estea cea mai buna carte citita.

  7. "Ingerul Noptii" de Becca Fitzpatrick, iubesc cartea asta!!!

  8. stiu...proabil Aaaa...Momentan nu imi vine niciuna in minte da sa ziceam Av 1..sau Cercul secret 2...ambele au fost super

  9. Multumim foarte mult pentru concurs va urez bafta tuturor este unu concurs foarte superrrrrr

  10. Cat despre care este cea mai tare carte citita ,poi cred ca la ora actuala seria Casa Noptii dar mai e mult timp


  12. cea mai buna carte pe care am citit-o, de fapt serie este Fortele raului absolut.

  13. Jane eyre si ingerul mecanic multumim pentru concurs

  14. Pai,preferata mea Fortele raului absolut :)

  15. Harry Potter, Stapanul Inelelor , Instrumente Mortale , Dispozitive Infernale

  16. Jane Eyre de Charlotte Bronte (ma bucur ca si altii o apreciaza!! ;D )

    PS-Cred ca nu o sa fie tocmai bine pentru ca la cateva mi-a dat (ca raspuns) niste litere asa, la intamplare.. :( ... e... poate o fi bine :)

  17. Cam grea decizie, dar o sa spun Obsidian de J.L.Armentrout.

  18. Cu siguranta Mandrie si prejudecata, si La rascruce de vanturi.


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