miercuri, 12 septembrie 2012

Interview with Cameo Renae , author of In My Dreams

Thank you so much Cameo for accepting this interview ! 

1.Hello, Cameo ! Can you tell us something about you and your book "In My Dreams”? 
 Hi Laura! Thanks so much for having me!
 Something people don't know about me is that my grandmother and my mother said that at the age of 3, I loved to write. They would give me a pen and a paper, and I would sit and copy words from books for hours! haha I don't remember that at all, but I guess writing has been in me from a very young age!
 In My Dreams is my debut novel. I really didn't know it would impact so many people the way it has. I've had emails from readers all over, who have lost loved ones.They thanked me, saying that In My Dreams gave them hope and actually helped them. It has also touched most of it's readers, making them join in on its emotional journey. Many tears have been shed. It is a YA Paranormal Romance that will definitely take you on an emotional roller-coaster ride!
2. When have you decided that you want to be a writer?
I think I've always had a love for writing since a young age. It was very easy for me to think up stories and write them down. But the day I decided to become an actual writer was about 8 years ago. I started writing short stories, and had so much positive feedback that I decided to take on a novel. I started with a Fantasy novel, but after I had a dream (more of a nightmare), I started writing In My Dreams. The dream... became the first part of Chapter 1.

3. Where do you find your inspiration for your novels? (If it’s not a secret) 
 Inspiration comes from everything around me, but I would have to say that music has been my biggest inspiration. When I settle down to write, and put on the right music...it's like magic. I get pulled into the story and the words just seem to flow. It's really an amazing thing.

4. Does any of your fictional character resemble you?
 I think they all have a little bit of me in them, but as far as the most like me...I'd have to say Emily of In My Dreams. She is kind of kooky, funny, and loves the paranormal. The only thing I don't do is talk as fast as her...and I don't have A.D.D. Lol

5. Which book is the first one that you’ve read?
The first book that I can remember reading, which left an impact, was C.S. Lewis' - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was the first book that sparked my imagination, and wanted me to read more. The Chronicles of Narnia were one of the main reasons I wanted to become a writer. I wanted to create wonderful, magical worlds...just like C.S. Lewis did.
6. Do you have a favorite book?
 I couldn't just pick one. There are too many books that I love!

7. If you were about to leave in a trip which book would you take with you?
 I would probably take a survival book, just in case we ran into trouble, got stranded, or crashed. If I didn't have tips or tricks on how to survive, I would probably die.
8. Tell us one thing you’d like to change at people from nowadays.
 It seems like there is so much hatred in the world these days. People hating others because of race, color, religion... I think it's ridiculous. If everyone loved each other for who they are, then we would have no war, and would be a much better place to live. I would love to change that...but it doesn't look like it would happen anytime soon. It's so sad.
9. Is there a moment in your life you’d like to live again?
There are many moments I'd like to re-live, especially times when I made some very stupid decisions. But I think I would love to re-live the time after I got married. I would have started writing much sooner!!!
10.Do you have a message for Romanian readers? Why would you recommend your book?
 I just want to thank the Romanian readers for their interest in In My Dreams. I am blown away by the responses, and emails from many Romanian bloggers who are trying to help get In My Dreams into Romania. I cannot thank you all enough!!! If you like YA Paranormal Romance with a twist of suspense, mystery, horror and humor...then you'll probably enjoy In My Dreams. Warning: It might make you cry, so keep the tissues handy!

3 comentarii:

  1. Foarte frumoasa coperta o ador am mai vazut-o pe undeva dar nu am citit recenzia

  2. Oricum din cate vad cartea este foarte frumoasa si sper sa o citesc si eu intr-un vitoor apropiiat

  3. C.S. Lewis' - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe isn't a story for children.E un film si o carte pentru adulti sa redescopere farmecul copilariei.


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