Am primit aceasta carte de la autoarea Shelena Shorts spre recenzare. Multumesc foarte mult, Shelena!
Protagonistul cartii este Vasi Petrescu. Acesta traieste intr-un grup numit Sindicatul, unde Garzile vaneaza hibrizi - oameni infectati cu un virus ce ii tranforma in niste creaturi anormale. Insa cand Vasile primeste ordin sa omoare o fata - care in nici un caz nu poate sa fie infectat cu acel virus -, acesta refuza sa o omoare. Mai mult, vrea sa afle detalii si curand intre el si fata in cauza - Riley - se naste o poveste de dragoste. Vasile nu mai stie nici el ce sa creada si il informeaza pe Henri ca nu o va omori pe fata. Fiind convins ca instinctul lui nu poate da gres si facand ceea ce, crede el, ar face si tatal sau, Vasile fuge impreuna cu Riley si sora sa, Rosie la un hotel. Acestia se decid sa - SPOLIER! - se casatoreasca pentru a-i dovedi lui Henri si intregului Cerc ca Vasile este cat se poate de sigur ca Riley nu poate rani persoanele din Sindicat. Veti afla daca pana la urma Vasile reuseste sa o scape pe Riley de intregul Cerc si de Henri numai citind cartea.
Citatele mele preferate
Henri, of course, sits in the middle, because he is the numărul unu.
" Hello? " she answers.
" Rosie, what's up? "
" God. "
" What? "
" That's what's up," she says.
"I'm not leaving until you open the door."
"You'll be waiting awhile."
"Look, I don't have time for this. Please, just open the door."
"Why? So you can call me the devil and tell me how wrong it was."
"Then what?"
"Because my dead mother just told me to say something nice to you. That's why. Now please open the door."
Nota: 5/5
Parerea mea
Nu prea am nimic de obiectat. Actiunea a fost foarte intensa, nu m-am plictisit deloc de-a lungul cartii. Totusi, unele personaje nu au fost foarte bine conturate. Mi-a fost foarte usor sa mi-o imaginez pe Riley, insa nu a aparut nici un detaliu despre Vasile. Nici despre Rosie, ori Dani. In rest, nimic ce nu mi-a placut. Cartea a avut mult dialog, sper bucuria mea, scrisul destul de mare, astfel incat citeam vreo 20 pagini cat ai bate din palme. Dupa parerea mea s-a terminat destul de repede, insa mi-a placut, per total. Relatia dintre Vasile si Riley era perfect descrisa, iar faptul ca Rosie, sora lui Vasi, nu s-a opus deloc relatiei, ba chiar a tinut cu Vasile, a adus un bonus foarte mare, din partea mea, acestei carti. Nu regret ca am citit aceasta carte si ii multumesc din suflet autoarei ca mi-a trimis-o.
Shelena sent me this book for review and I just finished it. Thank you so much, Shelena!
The protagonist of the book is Vasi Petrescu. He lives in a group named The Syndicate, where the Guards hunt the Hybrids - people infected with a virus which turns them into abnormal creatures. But when Vasile gets an assignment to kill a girl - which can't even be infected with the virus - he refuses to kill her. More, he wants to get some details and soon, a love story is born between him and the girl named Riley. Vasile doesn't know what to think and tells Henri that he would never kill Riley. Being convinced that his instinct is right and doing what his dead father wants to, Vasile runs with Riley and her sister, Rosie, at a hotel. They decided to - SPOILER - marry to prove Henri and the entire Circle that Vasile is sure that Riley couldn't hurt anyone from the Syndicate.
My favourite quotes
Henri, of course, sits in the middle, because he is the numărul unu.
" Hello? " she answers.
" Rosie, what's up? "
" God. "
" What? "
" That's what's up," she says.
"I'm not leaving until you open the door."
"You'll be waiting awhile."
"Look, I don't have time for this. Please, just open the door."
"Why? So you can call me the devil and tell me how wrong it was."
"Then what?"
"Because my dead mother just told me to say something nice to you. That's why. Now please open the door."My mark: 5/5
My opinion
I don't have any objection. The action was very intense and I never got bored throughout the book. Still, some characters were no very well defined. For me, it was easy to imagine Riley, but there wasn't any detail about Vasile. Nor about Rosie or Dani. For the rest, the book was ok. It had a lot of dialogue, to my joy and writing quite large, so I was reading 20 pages in less than no time. In my opinion, the story ended very fast, but I liked it. The relationship between Vasile and Rilley was described perfectly, and the fact that Rosie, Vasi's sister, didn't oppose to the relationship brought a huge bonus, from me, to this book. I don't regret that I read this book and I thank very much Shelena, for sending me the book.
Vasile Petrescu? Personajul principal e roman?
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