I received this book free from the author, in exchange of a honest review. Thank you, Tammara!
Even though, at the beginning, "Easy" seems like another romance and ordinary book, it isn't. The story is not based only on the love between two people, but on trust, pain, fear. Jacqueline, and Lucas needed each other because, they were only two teenagers which are very much alike. From the very first moment they met, they fell in love, and everything continued. Lucas adored Jacqueline before they met, and hoped that he would have the opportunity to talk to her. But, soon, their relationship became fragile and the tight bond between them started to fall apart, because their love was condemned by everybody. Still, for Lucas, loving Jacqueline was "incredibly easy".
My rating: 5/5
My opinion
I have seen a lot of good reviews for "Easy" and I had to try it. I can't say this it was extraordinary, but I liked it, because the story between Jacqueline and Lucas was very captivating and full of suspense. I didn't expect to like a love story so much, because, usually, there are a lot of boring things happening, but Jacqueline was unpredictable and I liked the decisions she took, about Lucas. The fact that Erin and Maggie, her only friends, were there helped here a lot, because she couldn't count on her parents. Somehow, the author managed to keep me in suspense, because I was always wandering when will Jacqueline meet Buck, and when I least expected, he appeared. But I'm glad that Lucas helped the girl. And somehow, Kennedy, her ex, became the good character, because he cared about her, even if Jacqueline wanted to get rid of him.
The fact that Jacqueline didn't observe Lucas until he saved her showed us that you shouldn't judge someone based only on appearances. After she met him, the girl noticed that Lucas was nice and that he deserved her atention. I really liked that she realized that she made a mistake ignoring him. Another thing that amazed her was that she never thought she could fall in love with someone like him, with a bunch of tattoos and a scarry past. It was a shock for her, but she discovered in Lucas something that Kennedy didn't have. But to find out, you must read the book first!
I learned a lot from this book. Seriously, you have to read it!

Desi, la inceput, Easy pare doar una dintre cartile romantice obisnuite, este mult mai mult. Povestea nu se bazeaza numai pe dragostea dintre doua persoane, ci si pe incredere, durere, frica. Si Jacqueline, si Lucas, au nevoie unul de celalalt, pentru ca, pana la urma, sunt doi adolescenti care seamana extrem de mult. Din prima clipa in care s-au intalnit, s-au indragostit, iar totul a continuat. Jacqueline nu a putut renunta la el. Lucas a adorat-o cu mult inainte ca cei doi sa se cunoasca si a sperat ca va avea ocazia sa vorbeasca cu Jacqueline. Insa, curand, relatia lor a ajuns sa fie compromisa, iar legatura stransa dintre ei a inceput sa se destrame, pentru ca iubirea dintre ei era interzisa de catre toata lumea. Totusi, pentru Lucas, a fost "incredibil de usor" sa o iubeasca si sa renunte la tot pentru ea.
Nota mea: 5/5
Parerea mea
Am vazut foarte multe pareri bune despre "Easy" si nu am putut sa nu o incerc. Nu pot sa spun ca mi s-a parut extraordinara, dar mi-a placut, pentru ca povestea plina de ocolisuri a celor doi a fost captivanta si plina de suspans. Nu ma asteptam ca o poveste de dragoste sa imi placa atat de mult, pentru ca de obicei nu se intampla foarte multe lucruri, insa mi-a placut foarte mult de Jacqueline si imi placeau si deciziile luate de ea. Faptul ca Erin si Maggie, singurele ei prietene, erau acolo, o ajuta foarte mult, pentru ca nu-i avea pe parinti aproape. Cumva, autoarea a reusit sa ma tina in suspans, pentru ca ma intrebam cand se va intalni din nou cu Buck, iar tocmai cand ma asteptam cel mai putin, atunci se intampla. Dar ma bucur ca Lucas era alaturi de ea, iar, intr-un fel, si Kennedy era personajul bun, pentru ca si el tinea la ea, chiar daca Jacqueline nu mai dorea sa fie aproape de el.
Faptul ca Jacqueline nu il mai observase pana atunci pe Lucas arata ca nu trebuie sa judeci pe cineva dupa aparente. Dupa ce l-a cunoscut, fata a observat ca Lucas e de treaba si chiar merita atentia ei. Cel mai mult m-a bucurat faptul ca si ea a observat ca a facut o greseala ignorandu-l. Un alt lucru pe care a uimit-o a fost ca ea chiar s-a indragostit de un baiat ca el, cu tatuaje si un trecut inspaimantator. A fost un soc pentru ea, insa a gasit la el tot ceea ce lui Kennedy ii lipsea.
Poti invata multe din aceasta carte. Tammara, prin intermediul lui Jacqueline, a exprimat cititorului multe lectii importante de viata. Categoric trebuie sa o cititi!
Nu am citit cartea... dar da, pare genială! :) Îmi place recenzia ta!
RăspundețiȘtergerecartea e superba iar recenzia mia placut enorm de mult:D
RăspundețiȘtergereToata lumea a citit-o numai eu nu :(( o vreau si eu, prea toata lumea o lauda
RăspundețiȘtergereAcest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.
RăspundețiȘtergereChiar si daca nu am citit cartea, din recenzie imi dau seama ca este foarte frumoasa...
RăspundețiȘtergereAstazi mi-a ajuns si mie :x doar ca e pe romana :D