Charles si Everett Swope are two brothers who live with their big family. Their father owns a shop where Watson, his best friend, is hired. But one day, when a man from their town wants to hurt Watson because he is black, the father of the two brothers helps Watson and ends up with his shop burned to the ground. Now, the Swope family is poor and the two brothers want to help. And here comes Clara, their cusin, who is going to live with the Swope family for the entire summer. The three kids discover a periwinkle turban which gives them new skills. Poncho, their dog, can predict the future, Everett is a cab driver, Charles is a writer and Clara is a pianist. They are very brave and smart. At the end, they collect enough money, and their father finds a new job. A beautiful end for a beautiful book!
My rating: 4/5
My opinion
The action was very constant and it kept me captivated during the entire adventure. I was surprised that the children's parents didn't realize that their children were up to something, but it didn't matter, because those kids were always risking for their parents' good. This time, the roles were switched and the parents became the children who needed help.
About the characters, I don't have anything to say; three very brave children who want to do something good for their big family. Every character had his own personality; Everett was the big brother who thought that his mission is to protect the family and help their father, Charles was very educated and was reading a lot and Clara was a sensible girl. Their little sister, Isabelle, well, she appeared only when her brothers put the turban on her head. Then, she started to talk very much and to argue with them, just like a mother!
At the end, the three children started to have many problems, but their courage drove them forward and, after all, they got the money that their family needed so much. A very interesting story, full of adventures, that really deserves to be read. I recommend it to everyone!
Charles si Everett Swope sunt trei frati ce traiesc alaturi de familia lor mare. Tatal lor detine un magazin unde Watson, bunul lor prieten, este si el angajat. Insa intr-o zi, cand un om din oras vrea sa-i faca rau lui Watson pentru ca acesta este negru, tatal celor doi frati se cearta si sfarseste cu magazinul ars. Acum, familia lor este saraca, iar cei doi baieti vor sa faca bani pentru a-si ajuta familia. Aici intervine Clara, verisoara lor, care este in vizita pe tot parcursul verii. Acestia descopera un turban albastru - de aici si titlul cartii - ce ii daruieste celui care o poarta un talent. Astfel, cainele lor, Poncho, poate sa vada in viitor, Everett se face taximetrist, Charles scriitor si Clara pianista. Cei trei copii au parte de multe aventuri si sunt foarte curajosi si isteti, avand numai 7, 8 ani. In final, acestia strang destui bani, iar tatal lor isi gaseste o noua slujba. Un sfarsit fericit a unei carti foarte dragute!
Nota mea: 4/5
Parerea mea
In primul rand, cartea asta a fost atat de amuzanta! De la prima pagina, cand naratorul isi exprima propriile pareri si nareaza la persoana 1, iti dai seama ca "The Periwinkle Turban" te va cuceri, fiind presarata cu multe glume.
Actiunea a fost mereu prezenta, intr-un mod costant, si m-a tinut captivata pe tot parcursul acesteia. M-am mirat cum de parintii copiilor nu si-au dat seama ca cei trei puneau ceva la cale, insa, ce mai conteaza, cand acestia risca mereu spre binele parintilor lor? De data aceasta, rolurile au fost inversate, iar parintii au devenit copiii care aveau nevoie de ajutor.
Despre personaje, nu am ce zice; trei copii foarte curajosi, care se decid sa faca ceva bun pentru familia lor. Fiecare personaj avea propria personalitate; Everett era fratele cel mare si se purta ca atare, Charles era un baiat educat si citea mult, iar Clara era o fata sensibilia. Cat despre micuta lor sora, Isabelle, ei bine, ea nu a aparut decat atunci cand fratii ei i-au pus turbanul pe cap. Aceasta a inceput sa vorbeasca si sa-i certe, exact ca o mama!
Spre sfarsit, cei trei copii au inceput sa aiba probleme, insa curajul i-a manat inainte si, in cele din urma, au facut rost de banii de care familia lor avea atata nevoie. O poveste foarte interesanta, plina de aventuri, ce categoric merita citita, pe care o recomand tuturor!
Interesant. Dar eu imi propuns să citesc acum doar cărți de 5 stele.
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